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一、“二五”法制宣传教育工作的基本情况1991年3月,七届全国人大常委会第十八次会议作出了《关于深入开展法制宣传教育的决议》。此前,中央宣传部、司法部作出了《关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育的第二个五年规划》。按照《决议》和《规划》的要求,1991——1995年法制宣传教育第二个五年规划在全国顺利实施。5年来,普法工作先后经历启动、实施和考核验收3个阶段,基本完成了规划所确定的任务,全国人大常委会的决议得到较好的贯彻落实。总的来看,“二五”普法在深度和广度上都取得了新的进展。公民的宪法观念、法律意识在“一五”启蒙教育的基础上得到进一步增强,依法参与管理各项事业和维护自身合法权益的能力有了一定的提高。在普法教育基础上开展起来的依法治理工作取得初步成效,各级领导干部依法决策、依法管理的观念逐步树立,各项事业的管理开始步入法制化的轨道。 I. Basic Information of Public Prosecution and Education Work on the Law of “February 5” In March 1991, the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People’s Congress made the Resolution on Further Enhancing Legal Publicity and Education. Earlier, the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Justice made the “Second Five-Year Plan on Carrying out Legal Publicity and Education among Citizens”. In accordance with the requirements of the “Resolution” and “Planning”, the second five-year plan for publicity and education in the legal system of 1991-1995 was smoothly implemented across the country. Over the past five years, the work on legal literacy has undergone three phases: initiation, implementation, examination and acceptance, basically fulfilling the tasks identified in the plan and the resolution of the NPC Standing Committee has been well implemented. In general, the “25th Five-Year Plan” has made new progress both in depth and in breadth. Citizens’ constitutional concepts and legal awareness have been further strengthened on the basis of the enlightenment education and the ability to participate in the management of various undertakings and safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law has been somewhat improved. The preliminary results have been achieved in law-based work carried out on the basis of popularization education, and the concepts of decision-making and law-based management by leading cadres at all levels have been gradually established. The management of various undertakings has begun to enter the legal system.
我国自古是一个重农的国家。历代都把水资源的开发、利用、管理及保护工作作为重要的事情来抓,这在国家大法中也有体现。 早在秦武王二年(公元前309年)制订的秦律《田律》中
Learning about history has never been so trendy as new TV programs and contemporary textbooks make the past pleasurable The past is catching up with China and i
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