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南沟门水库位于陕北黄土高塬南部的黄土梁峁区,坝基为二迭系砂岩夹泥岩、第四系湿陷性黄土及砂砾石等。左坝肩主要工程地质问题是基岩强风化带的渗透问题,防渗帷幕深入岩面以下30 m;坝基存在表层堆积的砂壤土、黄土、古土壤的湿陷问题和下部砂砾石层、基岩强风化带的渗透问题,对湿陷性土层进行工程处理或清除,对砂砾石层采用结合槽截渗处理,防渗帷幕垂直厚度应大于25 m;右坝肩存在斜坡表面土层的湿陷性问题和沿三级阶地砂砾石层、基岩强风化带的绕坝渗透问题,建议翻碾处理湿陷性土层,用砼墙对砂砾石层进行截渗处理,防渗帷幕应深入岩体表面以下20 m。 Nangoumen Reservoir is located in loess ridges in the southern loess plateau of northern Shaanxi. The dam foundation is Permian sandstone mudstone, Quaternary collapsible loess and gravel. The main engineering geological problems of the left abutment dam are the infiltration of the strong weathered zone of bedrock. The seepage prevention curtain goes deeper than 30m below the rock face. The dam foundation has the problems of collapsibility of sandy loam, loess and paleosol accumulated on the surface and lower sand and gravel layer Rock strong weathered zone infiltration problem, the collapsible soil engineering treatment or removal of sand and gravel layer combined with the tank infiltration treatment, the vertical thickness of impervious curtain should be greater than 25 m; the existence of the right dam abutment surface soil layer Collapsibility problems and infiltration around the gravel layer and strong weathered zone of bedrock, it is proposed to roll over the collapsible soil layer and to cut off the gravel layer with the concrete wall, and the seepage curtain should be Depth below the rock surface 20 m.
Author identified the shouchun lead funerary plate coin which appeared in the 1930’s and been recorded in many books, pointed that the plated funerary coin was
随着人们对肥胖相关基因 (ob基因 )产物———瘦素 (Leptin)认识的逐步深入 ,瘦素被认为是肥胖病激素源性研究中的一个重大进展。瘦素与肥胖、瘦素与糖尿病 (DM )之间的关系
山东青州有一座山叫驼山, 据说因为山峰像骆驼的驼峰而得 名,身临其境,放眼望去,的确如 此。但驼山的出名不是其山峰如驼, 而是山崖上雕镌的众多佛教石窟造 像。驼山石窟共有
没有人能否认,外资车企已进入“狂欢”模式,至少,从目前来看,他们笑得最开心。  销量——涨!涨!涨!  宝马集团在中国市场的“神话”还在继续——今年前5个月,该公司销量同比攀升25%。去年以来,中国已跃居宝马集团的最大单一市场,今年1至5月,宝马集团在中国市场累计交付销量达18万辆。  不单单是宝马,同样凯歌齐奏的外资车企还有奔驰。今年1月,奔驰品牌在华销量从2013年1月份的16695辆同比骤涨
报道1例激素冲击治疗仍不敏感的皮肌炎患者,给予免疫球蛋白静脉滴注获得成功。 Reported 1 case of hormone therapy is still not sensitive to dermatomyositis patients
▲中国是一个干旱缺水的国家,淡水资源总量为28000亿立方米,占全球淡水资源的6%,居世界第4位。按全国13亿人口计算,人均不到2200立方米,为世界平均水平的1/4。  ▲北京人均水资源不足300立方米,仅为全国人均的1/8、世界人均的1/32。  ▲20世纪70年代以前,中国城市缺水只在个别地区及个别年份发生。20世纪90年代初,全国已有300多座城市缺水,其中地级以上城市109座,占地级以上
A new complex, [Cu(HL)(phen)(H_2O)]·4H_2O(1, H_3L·HCl = 5-((4-carboxypiperidin-1-yl)methyl)isophthalic acid hydrochloride, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline), has be