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1995年6月。我到北京参加《人民日报》报告文学奖颁奖大会,再度领略了伟大祖国首都的风姿,再度经历了一次人生的洗礼。 人人都说天安门最美丽的风景在早晨。被士兵的脚步唤醒的广场上,红旗与新日齐升,军乐同鸽群共舞,风飞飞,云彤彤,物流金,人溢彩,壮美如画。由于诸种原因。我没能领略到这如火如荼的画面,但却品味到了另一道景致:夜幕下的天安门那如诗如画的风景。 离京的前一天下午,我带了儿子去广场附近的一家报社,看望一位大学同室。暮色苍茫时分,同 June 1995. I went to Beijing to attend the People’s Daily Reportage Prize Presentation Ceremony, once again enjoying the grace of the capital of the great motherland and once again undergoing a baptism of life. Everyone says the most beautiful scenery of Tiananmen Square in the morning. Soldiers wake up the footsteps of the square, the red flag Qi Sheng and the new day, military music pigeons with the dance, the wind fly, the clouds, the logistics of gold, colorful, picturesque. Due to various reasons. I failed to appreciate the picture in full swing, but taste another scene: the picturesque scenery of the Tiananmen Square at night. The day before leaving Beijing, I took my son to a newspaper office near the square and visited a university room. Twilight vast hours, with
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On August 9, 1945, the Red Army of the Soviet Union declared a war on Japan and entered northeast China, saving Chinese farmer Yang Yufu from under the butcher
目的 研究肝细胞生长因子 (hepatocyte growth factor,HGF)对视网膜色素上皮 (retinalpigment epitheliaum,RPE)细胞的促增生和促移行作用。 方法 在无血清培养液培养的人
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