Secure, dependable and publicly verifiable distributed data storage in unattended wireless sensor ne

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In unattended wireless sensor networks (UWSNs), sensed data are stored locally or at designated nodes and further accessed by authorized collectors on demand. This paradigm is motivated by certain scenarios where historical or digest data (e.g., average temperature in a day), instead of real-time data, are of interest. The data are not instantly forwarded to a central sink upon sensing, thereby saving communication energy for transmission. Such a paradigm can also improve data survivability by making use of distributed data storage in cheap flash memory on nodes. However, the security and dependability of such data storage are critical for the future data accessibility in UWSNs. To address this issue, we propose a secure and dependable distributed storage scheme for UWSNs. Our scheme takes advantages of both secret sharing and Reed-Solomon code, which can achieve computational security and maintain low communication overhead in terms of shortened data dispersing size. We also propose a general coding method to publicly verify data integrity in a distributed manner, with low communication and storage overhead, and without the need of holding original data. The extensive analysis justifies that our scheme can provide secure, dependable and publicly verifiable distributed data storage in UWSNs even in the presence of node compromise and Byzantine failure. This unambiguous wireless sensor networks (UWSNs), sensed data are stored locally or at designated nodes and further accessed by authorized collectors on demand. This paradigm is motivated by certain scenarios where historical or digest data (eg, average temperature in a day), instead of real-time data, are of interest. The data are not instantly forwarded to a central sink upon sensing, thereby saving communication energy for transmission. Such a paradigm can also improve data survivability by making use of distributed data storage in cheap flash memory on However, the security and dependability of such data storage are critical for the future data accessibility in UWSNs. To address this issue, we propose a secure and dependable distributed storage scheme for UWSNs. Our scheme takes advantages of both secret sharing and Reed- Solomon code, which can achieve computational security and maintain low communication overhead in terms of shortened data dispersing size. We also propose a general coding method to publicly verify data integrity in a distributed manner, with low communication and storage overhead, and without the need of holding original data. The extensive analysis justifies that our scheme can provide secure, dependable and publicly verifiable distributed data storage in UWSNs even in the presence of node compromise and Byzantine failure.
时光总在不经意间悄悄流逝,而我们的生活也在每天加减乘数,写写算算中变得不再是原来那副样子。  ——题记  春去春来,花谢花开,随着一个个冬天的逝去,一个个春天的来临,其实我们也在悄悄长大,也在渐渐走向成熟。但这样的成熟很多时候却是以牺牲旧时的快乐为‘代价’才换来的。一应一送之间,那天真爽朗的笑声早已经成为了过去。  (一)  本该活力无限的岁月里,我们却变得死气沉沉,已经忘了多久没有拿起网球拍和朋
超越情感,超越私欲,甚至超越了生命,为国收税,是一种品德,亦是忠诚,更是境界。 沙广裕——辽宁宽甸满族自治县国家税务局稽查队长,一名官不及品的普通党员,用鲜血和生命,在共
大历23年,在位六十余年的仁帝驾崩,年仅8岁的新帝登基。长期被外放在北方的肃王终于按捺不住野心,举兵南下,大举进攻京师。  河清海晏,致使朝廷疏于练兵,平日看似庞大的军队,根本不是铁血训练下肃王军的对手。不到三月,十二座城池已被攻下。一时间,京城人心惶惶,长安街上空压抑的乌云不曾消散,似乎还有愈演愈烈之势。  眼看着二十万精兵沦于敌手,摄政王终于坐不住了。下令大举征兵。京中人家闻此大惊失色,许多人
摘 要:乔伊斯·卡洛尔·欧茨是美国当代重要的作家,多次提名诺贝尔文学奖,她以多产傲居文坛的同时暴力主题更是她作品的一大特色。本文从现实生活背景、美国文化以及美国小说传统三个方面分析其作品暴力主题,再利用《他们》展现暴力主题。  关键词:乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨;暴力;《他们》  作者简介:佟佳蔚,女,满,黑龙江省牡丹江市人,哈尔滨师范大学2016级硕士研究生,研究方向:美国文学。  [中图分类号]:I
河里的水流得缓缓的。南方的深冬,山里的河流就是这样,怕若是不流了慢慢地就僵硬了,也怕流得快了被那锋冽的风刀剐着生疼,便只有拖着疲弱的身子缓缓地爬行。有时冷风弱了,一阵气力上来了,它便爬得轻快些。不过大多时,它都是吊着一口气疲死地蠕动。  河流得心力交瘁,我跨过河岸的蛮石,目击冬天留下它最有力的印记。  远山剪影是冻蓝色的,山边缘支棱着的残枝败藤,是上一季潦倒的遗孤。  当我来到廖婆家门口,天色已近
摘 要:苏童的《米》与李锐的《旧址》,同样作为新历史主义小说,两者是具有可比性的。本文将从历史观与人性书这两个方面将二者进行解读和比较,从而加深我们对新历史主义小说的认识和了解,并对新历史主义的特点有所把握。  关键词:《米》;《旧址》;历史观;人性书写  作者简介:李瑶,女,湖南邵阳人,硕士,研究方向:学科教学语文。  [中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-21
摘 要:韩少功小说在意象选取、人物塑造以及叙事手法上都存在一定的审丑倾向,他如此写作并不出于对阴鸷和丑陋的痴迷。韩少功小说中暴露出的人际的冷漠,以及暴力、血腥场景的描绘是其特殊年代残酷记忆的一种根植。此外,神秘魅惑的楚文化和80年代文坛普遍的审丑思潮也给韩少功小说的审丑提供了温床。  关键词:韩少功;审丑;溯源  [中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2
摘 要:坐落在北京西城的八道湾十一号院子,曾经是周氏三兄弟的宅院,1996年因旧城改造,八道湾即将被开发拆毁的报道引起轰动,直到2009年官方消息发布八道湾十一号院,将作为三十五中校内文物保留。  关键词:鲁迅;周作人;八道湾十一号  作者简介:牛梓蓉,广西艺术学院美术学院研究生,研究方向:美术史学理论。  [中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2017