近两年,中国正经历“原生态 热”,其源头是舞蹈家杨丽萍经多 年积累创作了原生态歌舞《云南 映象》,一公演便惊世骇俗,好评 如潮,于是带起了“原生态热”,大 家一窝蜂地搞起了“原生态”:“原 生态舞”、“原生态剧”、“原生态 歌”、“原生态营养品”,“原生态衣 服”、“原生态居住区”…… 我更期盼着出现“原生态森 林”、“原生态草场”、“原生态田 野”。记不得在一本什么刊物上读 过一份调查报告,报告引用德国 环保专家的话说:德国的环保堪 称世界第一,在原生林被彻底毁 灭后开始人工生态建设,到处都 是整齐划一、郁郁葱葱的人造林, 看上去很优美。可是在遇到火灾, 虫灾和酸雨袭击的时候,就不得 不耗费大量人力物力去保护,人 工林永远像个长不大的孩子,生 态建设能力与自然林相差甚远。
The past two years, China is experiencing the “original heat”, the source is the dancer Yang Liping accumulated over the years by the creation of the original eco-song and dance “reflection of the image of Yunnan,” a performance shocked the world, rave reviews, so bring the “original heat Everyone swarmed up the original ecology: original dance, original drama, original song, original ecological nutrition, original ecological clothes, original ecological residential area, ... I also look forward to the emergence of ”original ecological forest“, ”original ecological pastures“, ”original ecological fields." I can not remember reading an investigation report in a journal that cites the words of a German environmental expert: Germany’s environmental protection ranks first in the world, starting artificial eco-construction after the original forest was completely destroyed, Lush afforestation, looks very beautiful. However, in the face of fire, pest and acid rain attacks, they have to spend a lot of manpower and resources to protect the plantation Forever like a child grow up, ecological construction capacity and far from the natural forest.