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“八五”以来,特别是在1994年国家推出了财税、金融、外汇、投资、价格及流通体制等一系列重大改革举措以后,经过医药行业广大职工的共同努力,使医药经济发展保持了快速增长。从整体看,经受住了来自宏观经济政策的重大影响,呈现稳步发展的良好局面。1990年以来,受国内外市场需求的强烈牵动,医药经济持续四年以平均23.3%的速度增长。然而,医药经济在连续几年的高速增长之后,从1993年下半年开始增速趋缓,直至1994第一季度滑入几年来的最低谷并出现负增长。这一方面主要是受国家宏观政策调整的影响,另一个重要原因是医药市场节律调整的影响。这次医药经济运行的波动幅度较大,但很快就得到回稳复苏。纵观1994年医药经济形势,工业总产值和实现利税稳步增长,其全年均有15%以上的长幅,出口创汇增长53%。从去年四月份开始,医药经济逐步从低谷中走出困境,其二三季度工业产销形势逐月好转,增幅持续加大,至第四季度方呈稳步增 Since the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, especially after the country introduced a series of major reform measures such as fiscal, taxation, finance, foreign exchange, investment, price, and circulation system in 1994, after the joint efforts of the vast number of employees in the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical economy has maintained its development. Rapid growth. On the whole, it has withstood major influence from macroeconomic policies and has shown a steady development. Since 1990, due to strong demand from domestic and international markets, the pharmaceutical economy has grown at an average rate of 23.3% for four years. However, after the rapid growth of the pharmaceutical economy in successive years, the growth rate began to slow in the second half of 1993, and it slipped into the lowest level in several years and experienced negative growth in the first quarter of 1994. This aspect is mainly affected by the adjustment of the country’s macroeconomic policies. Another important reason is the influence of the rhythm adjustment in the pharmaceutical market. The fluctuations in the economic operation of the pharmaceutical industry were relatively large, but they soon recovered. Taking a look at the pharmaceutical economic situation in 1994, the total industrial output value and the realization of profits and taxes have been steadily increasing. It has a long-term growth rate of more than 15% throughout the year, and foreign exchange earnings from exports have increased by 53%. Since the beginning of April last year, the pharmaceutical economy has gradually emerged from the predicament, its industrial production and sales situation has improved from month to month in the second and third quarters, the increase rate has continued to increase, and it has steadily increased in the fourth quarter.
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