绝境生还者 上帝也无法杀死他们

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暴风雪肆虐的高原,他在海拔超过5000米的雪山上,靠着一个梨子度过了难熬的27小时,终于等来了救援的队友;骤然来袭的雪崩掩埋了丈夫和向导,她却靠着9颗水果糖度过了难熬的三天四夜,最终获救;人迹罕至的密林,他们靠喝隐形眼镜药液、喝尿来补充水分,靠吃青蛙、甲虫、毒蜘蛛来充饥,一个多月后,他们走出绝境……他们有个统一的名字:绝境生还者。 Storm snowstorm plateau, he was at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters above the snow-capped mountains, relying on a pear spent tormenting 27 hours, and finally waiting for the rescue teammates; suddenly struck the avalanche buried husband and wizard, she leaned 9 fruit sugar after a tough three days and nights, finally rescued; inaccessible jungle, they rely on contact lens liquid, drink urine to replenish water, eating frogs, beetles, poisonous spiders to eat more than a month later, They come out of desperation ...... They have a uniform name: desperate survivors.
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本书系英国Pcat Marwick公司出版的《Investment in England》之译著,旨在帮助意欲向英同及欧洲共同体投资者广泛了解熟悉英国的投资环境,以及在英国和欧洲共同体的投资政策
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