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腰痛一般可分为两大类型,第一类是各种损伤导致的腰痛,例如劳损、肝肾亏损都可引发腰痛;第二类是外邪侵袭导致的腰痛,这类腰痛与天气(六气)的关系最为密切,常常是天气一旦变化,腰痛就会加重。依据天气条件的具体影响,这类腰痛大致可分为三大类型。(1)寒湿腰痛。每逢阴雨、寒冷的天气,寒湿腰痛则明显加剧。因为在阴雨寒冷的天气下,湿度很大(一般都在80%以上),气温较低,寒湿之邪容易侵袭腰部,使得经络阻塞,气血不畅,加之寒性收引,湿性重着,故腰部冷痛。这类腰痛有两个特点:一是静卧疼痛不减,甚至加重,因为人卧床之时,其性 Back pain can generally be divided into two types, the first is a variety of injuries caused by low back pain, such as strain, liver and kidney damage can cause low back pain; the second is the invasion of exogenous evils caused by low back pain, such back pain and the weather (six gas ) The relationship most closely, often once the weather changes, lumbago will aggravate. Depending on the specific impact of the weather conditions, this type of back pain can be roughly divided into three types. (1) cold back pain. Whenever the rainy, cold weather, cold back pain was significantly increased. Because in the rainy and cold weather, the humidity is very high (generally more than 80%), the temperature is low, easy to attack the waist of the cold and wet, making the meridian obstruction, poor blood, coupled with the cold to attract, wet weight , So the waist Leng Tong. This type of back pain has two characteristics: First, soreness pain reduction, or even worse, because when people are bedridden, their sexual
用碘作消毒剂为时已逾一个世纪。它对各种不同类型的细菌的杀灭效能无选择性,堪称极佳的杀菌剂,它还具有杀真菌和抗病毒的作用(Gershenfeld et al,1950—1951)。与其他高效
将水暴露于高能辐射之中,会产生辐射分解产物H~(?)和OH~(?)基,后者在不溶性氧存在的条件下,生成超氧离子基(O_2~-)。辐射遗传学研究表明,OH~(?)基是对DNA 产生辐射效应的主
受访嘉宾:北京协和医科大学整形美容外科博士 陈焕然rn医疗卫生界与美最为相关的专业,非整形外科莫属.一个美字,贯穿了整形外科的始终,从目的到结果.甚至来整形外科看门诊的
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