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由北京市教委德育处、北京教科院基教研中心和北京教育杂志社联合举办的“把德育体现于每一学科——德育成功案例”征文活动,从2005年1月1日开始,历时1年零6个月,至2006年6月30日圆满结束。此次征文活动共收到全国各地应征稿件1556篇,其中有广大教育工作者探索学科德育的规律,将学科育人落实到教育教学各环节之中的有益探索;有实施新课程过程中贯彻教学全过程育人的探索创新;有结合教学内容和学科特点,研究学科德育的渗透点和渗透途径的成功案例;有学校的教学、管理等各项工作渗透德育的成功案例。经过本刊编辑和外请专家、学者组成的评委会认真细致的筛选,我们共评选出获奖文章100篇,其中一等奖10篇,二等奖20篇,三等奖30篇,优秀奖40篇。获奖证书及奖品将于近期寄出。在此,我们谨向获奖作者表示热烈的祝贺,并向所有参与和关注此次征文的广大教育工作者表示衷心的感谢! The “Education of Moral Education in Each Subject - Successful Cases of Moral Education” essay, organized by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission’s Department of Moral Education, the Beijing Academy of Educational Science Research Center, and the Beijing Education Magazine, started on January 1, 2005 and lasted for one year. Six months until June 30, 2006 ended successfully. The essay campaign received a total of 1,556 manuscripts from across the country. Among them, a large number of educators explored the law of discipline moral education, implemented the discipline education into the beneficial exploration of all aspects of education and teaching, and implemented the teaching process in the implementation of the new curriculum. The whole process of educating people explores and innovates; there are successful cases of infiltrating points and infiltrating approaches to the discipline moral education with teaching content and subject characteristics; there are successful teaching cases such as teaching and management in schools that permeate moral education. After careful review by the editors of the journal and invited experts and scholars, we selected 100 award-winning articles, including 10 first prizes, 20 second prizes, 30 third prizes, and 40 outstanding awards. Articles. Award certificates and prizes will be sent in the near future. Here, we would like to express our warm congratulations to the winning authors and express our sincere gratitude to all the educators who have participated in and paid attention to this essay!
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诞生石:石榴石(解运,消灾,增强信心) 守护石:缟玛瑙(加强自治与自律) 幸运花卉:长春藤、紫丁香适合服饰:雅致大方的整体搭配性服饰幸运数字:8 Birthstone: Garnet (Morphati
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