
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sihuifuran
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高三历史教学如何提高学生的历史思维能力,培养学生良好的思维品质,这是提高教学双效的关键,本文拟从“历史试题讲评”的角度来谈谈自己的实践与体会。选择题选择题是近年来历史高考试卷的第一卷,被称为客观题。说客观,是对阅卷者而言,对于应试的学生却容易走进主观随意性的误区,因为目前学生的思维状态是处在从知识型向能力型的过渡期,他们普遍存在着思维的蒙昧性,选答的盲目性,答案对错的不可知性。扫清学生的思维障碍,理清学生的审题思路,教师要做好导演,要特别注意精选训练题,利用以导为主的启发式的试题讲评课,使学生在积极的思维中做到知识的反馈、迁移、归纳和综合,最后达到知识的升华。 How to improve students’ historical thinking ability and train students’ thinking quality in the third grade history teaching is the key to improving the double effect of teaching. This article intends to talk about their own practice and experience from the perspective of “history examination questions”. The multiple-choice multiple-choice questions are the first volume of the history test paper in recent years and are called objective questions. Objectively speaking, it is for the readers that for the students who take the exams, they are prone to go into the wrong subjective randomness, because the current state of the students’ thinking is in the period from the knowledge type to the ability type, and they generally have the problem of thinking. Sexuality, the blindness of the answers, and the unknowability of the answers. Clearing the students’ thinking barriers and clarifying the problem-solving ideas of the students. Teachers should be well-directed, pay special attention to selected training questions, and use guided heuristic test questions to make students actively think. The feedback, migration, induction, and synthesis of knowledge eventually led to the sublimation of knowledge.
【能力定位】拟制标题的重点在“拟” ,其特点有三 :拟出材料内容的整体性 ,写作重点的明确性和选取材料的导向性。其主旨在于为供料作文的写作打好基础 ,铺平道路。拟制标题
优质课是评价一位教师教育教学水平的重要方面。目前 ,各地教育主管部门为促进教师教学水平和学校教学质量的提高 ,纷纷开展了优质课的评选。这一活动的开展的确起到了一定的
近年来,我省生物科没有参加高考,使中学生物学教学受到很大影响。有些学生对学习生物学失去了学习的动力或压力。为此,我进行了寓教于乐的一些尝试。 一、激发学生的投入热
【能力定位】作文创新的能力是指运用独具特色的语言 ,采用灵活多变的结构 ,以新颖别致的材料 ,创造出新形象、提出新问题、发表新见解的能力。此能力主要表现在立意、选材、
朱自清先生的散文《春》清新优美,诗意盎然,多年来一直作为传统的语文教材,哺育、熏陶了无数的青年读者,激发了他们对春的热望和憧憬。但这块散文美玉也有微瑕。   “春花图”