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  ( )1.A.textB.testC.rest 
  ( )2.A.9653843 B.9563847 C.9653847 
  ( )3.A.laugh atB.look at C.call at 
  ( )4.A.They wanted something to drink.
  B.They wanted something to eat.
  C.They wanted to have a long walk.
  ( )5.A.Sixteen-year-olds should drive. 
  B.Sixteen-year-olds should not drive. 
  C.Sixteen-year-olds are allowed to drive.
  II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) 
  ( )6.A.Yes,I do.B.I think it helps.C.No,it’s hard. 
  ( )7.A.It doesn’t matter.B.That’s OK.C.So do we. 
  ( )8.A.Yes,I did.B.No,I use not.C.Yes,I use. 
  ( )9.A.Of course.B.It doesn’t matter.C.I think so. 
  ( )10.A.I am sure.B.The same to you.C.I don’t think so. 
  ( )11.A.He often plays table tennis. B.He often plays tennis.
  C.He often plays basketball. 
  ( )12.A.Give it to charity. B.Travel around the world.
  C.Buy what she wants. 
  ( )13.A.By making flashcards. B.By listening to music.
  C.By listening to tapes. 

  ( )16.What did my grandma use to be? 
  A.A teacher.B.A doctor. C.A librarian. 
  ( )17.What did people want to get when they gave back the library books?
  A.Bookmarks. B.Presents. C.Ideas. 
  ( )18.How much money would the writer give to Project Hope? 
  A.1/5.B.2/5. C.3/5.
  ( )19.Why would the writer want to give money to Project Hope? 
  A.Help the poor.B.Help the poor children to be rich.
  C.Help the poor children to go to school.
  ( )20.Which place would the writer like better? 
  A.San Francisco.B.San Francisco and Hawaii.
  C.Hawaii. 
  ( )21.Who bought the Walkman?
  A.Richard. B.Molina. C.The woman. 
  ( )22.Why is the woman sad? 
  A.She doesn’t feel well.
  B.She received bad news.
  C.She misses her family.
  ( )23.When did the woman get the letter?
  A.Right in the evening. B.In the afternoon. C.In the morning.
  ( )24.What did the woman do when she received the letter? 
  A.She cried.B.She laughed.C.She slept.
  ( )25.What will the speakers do next? 
  A.Go to eat.B.Go to dance.C.Go to a concert. 
  V.单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分) 
  ( )26.You can study the grammar _________ memorizing it.
  A.withB.onC.by D.at 
  ( )27.—Are you _________ the dark? 
  —Oh,yes.I always go to sleep with the light on.
  A.used toB.afraid of C.interested in D.good with 
  ( )28.There was _________ in the classroom and the student could see _________.
  A.enough light,clearly enough B.light enough,enough clearly 
  C.enough lightD.light enough,clear enough 
  ( )29.If it _________ tomorrow,we’ll have a field trip.
  A.not rainB.won’t rainC.doesn’t rain D.didn’t rain 
  ( )30.I like this silk dress and it _________ so soft and comfortable.
  A.is feelingB.has feltC.feels D.is felt 
  ( )31.When I was in the middle school,I had trouble _________ complete sentences.
  A.to makeB.made C.makingD.make 
  ( )32.This week,the weather _________ to change every day,one day is hot,the next is cold.
  A.seemsB.looksC.sounds D.feels 
  ( )33.The students should _________ to go out with friends.
  A.allow B.are allowedC.be allow D.be allowed 
  ( )34.My brother can always come up with good solutions _________ different problems.
  A.on B.to C.at D.in 
  ( )35.Mr.Black’s new book _________ last weekend.Have you read it? 
  A.came out B.put out C.picked out D.went out 
  ( )36.—Do you know the match between Class One and Class Two? 
  —Yes.I felt _________ when I heard the _________ news.
  C.exciting,excitingD.excited,excited 
  ( )37.I just _________have chance _________.
  A.no,more B.don’t,any moreC.no,longer D.don’t,no longer 
  ( )38.—Don’t _________too late,or you’ll feel tired in class.
   —I won’t,mom.Good night.
  A.make upB.get up C.stay up D.stand up 
  ( )39.If I _________ her,I would sing a song in English at the party.
  A.am B.wasC.are D.were 
  ( )40.He needs _________ time _________ his homework every night.
  A.to spend,doingB.spend,doing
  C.spend,to doD.spend,on 
  ( )41.The countryside in our country_________a lot in the last few years.
  A.changedB.changesC.has changedD.had changed 
  ( )42.—Tom,do you know if Alan _________ to my party next weekend? 
  —I think she will come if she _________ free.
  A.comes,isB.comes,will beC.will come,isD.will come,will be 
  ( )43.Sometimes our hobbies can _________ our work.
  A.get in the way ofB.get in
  C.get out of D.get on 
  ( )44.Tom used to eat candy all the time,_________? 
  A.doesn’t heB.didn’t heC.did he D.does he 
  ( )45.Why not _________ an English club to practice_________English?
  A.to join,to speakB.join,speaking
  C.join,to speakD.to join,speaking 
  No matter how good or bad your life is,meet it and live it.It is not so___46___as you think.It___47___poorest when you are richest.The fault-finder(挑剔者) will find faults in paradise(天堂).Love your life,poor as it is.You may have some___48___hours,even in a poor house.
  The setting sun is reflected(反射) from the windows of the old house as brightly as from the rich___49___e snow melts before its door as early in the spring.If you are a man___50 ___a quiet mind,you can feel happy wherever you live,and you even thought you are living in a palace.
  Now most people think that they are___51___themselves instead of their parents,friends or neighbors, 52___it often happens that they are living in a wrong way.They do themselves favors,not for___53 .Please regard a favor as a flower in a garden,___54___it and grow it.
  Do not enjoy yourself by___55___of others.New things,like iPods,mobile phones and fashion clothes,don’t stay long,true love is the longest!
  ( )46.A.bad B.badly C.worse D.the worst 
  ( )47.A.lookB.looks C.looks like D.look like 
  ( )48.A.pleased and excited B.pleased and exciting 
  C.pleasant and excited D.pleasant and exciting 
  ( )49.A.man B.man’s C.men D.mans 
  ( )50.A.with B.inC.onD.for 
  ( )51.A.depend on B.depending on C.dependD.depending 
  ( )52.A.and B.but C.however D.or 
  ( )53.A.other B.the other C.others D.the others 
  ( )54.A.care of B.care for C.care about D.care on 
  ( )55.A.get the way B.on the way C.in the way D.getting the way 
  It was Christmas time in 2008;I had no idea that this would be the last Christmas we would spend with mom.This was a very special Christmas for me—you see mom never owned a new coat that I could remember.
  Mom had polio(小儿麻痹) when she was a young child.One of her legs was longer than the other.Sometimes she would have trouble walking,but she never complained.Mom always treated my friends with kindness and they were always welcome at our house anytime.I remember my good friend Glen coming over and talking with mom even when I wasn’t at home.Mom was always willing to lend a listening ear.
  Mom’s all clothes were four dresses,four pairs of shoes,a light jacket,and a couple of sweaters.
  I decided that I would buy mom a coat that year,so I took her down to find something for Christmas.As we went past the coat shelf,one of the coats on the shelf caught mom’s eyes.I asked her to try on the coat for fun.She said that we did not have the money to buy the coat.But after a long talk with mom,we left the store with mom wearing that nice new coat in the end.She agreed that the coat did look good on her.I will ever be grateful for this opportunity,being able to give back just a little.This was the nicest coat that she ever owned.
  In February of 2009, mom passed away at age 42.As I reflect (回忆) back on my mother’s life,it was filled with acts of kindness.Giving came from her heart,with a willingness to help whenever possible.
  ( )56.We can infer from Paragraph One that _________.
  A.I never saw mom wear a new coat 
  B.the writer got a new coat from mom 
  C.mom had a birthday party in 2008 
  D.the writer didn’t spend 2008 Christmas with mom 
  ( )57.Paragraph Two mainly tells us mom’s _________.
  A.illnessB.legs 
  C.daily life and characterD.problems 
  ( )58.Mom thought the coat was _________.
  A.good but dear B.cheap enough
  C.a little ugly D.cheap and rather beautiful 
  ( )59.Mom died in _________.
  A.in Christmas,2008B.in February,2009
  C.in Christmas,2009D.in February,2008
  ( )60.What’s the best title for this passage? 
  A.Mom’s loveB.Thank you,mom 
  C.Happy ChristmasD.A coat for mom
  Different from other provinces,Hainan is the second largest ocean island and the smallest land province in China.Although scenery in Hainan lacks the grandness of the Great Wall and the mystery of the Terror-Cotta Warriors,its natural beauty has gained a good reputation among the visitors and has been widely known around the world.People call it “the Oriental Hawaii”.
  Here is some information about a 4-day trip to Hainan.
  Price:Only 1,180 yuan
  Round-way plane tickets between Shenzhen and Haikou.Bus service around Hainan.Three nights’stay in good hotels,best tour guide service.

  Office hour:Monday-Friday 9:00 am-8:00 pm 
  Saturday 9:00am-4:30 pm
  ( )61.From the passage,we know that this is _________.
  A.a noticeB.an advertisement
  C.a postcardD.a sign 
  ( )62.If you take a tour to Hainan on June 23rd,you will return on _________.
  A.June 26th B.June 25th C.July 26th D.July 25th 
  ( )63.You can visit _________ main places if you take the tour.
  A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 
  ( )64.The price for the tour doesn’t include _________.
  A.bus service B.hotels C.plane tickets D.meals 
  ( )65.Which of the following is TRUE? 
  A.You don’t have to pay 1,180 yuan if you book the tour earlier.
  B.You can book the tour at 4:30 on Monday afternoon.
  C.You can book the tour at 4:50 on Saturday afternoon.
  D.You can book the tour at 5 o’clock on Sunday afternoon.
  I love to write! Ever since I was a little girl,I wrote stories in my notebooks and on little scarps of paper.I told stories to my friends.As a grown-up,I have written over 100 books! That’s a lot! As a teacher,it’s my goal to encourage all of my students to love to write.
  Writing is easy if you’re careful enough,I told them.Everyone I meet is a possible character(人物).
  Everything I see or do is a possible scene in a book.Start looking around you.You’ll be amazed at what you discover.
  Anyone can be a writer.You just put your pencil on your paper and write what you like to read,step by step:
  ● Create great characters.If you know your characters well,they’ll write the story for you.
  ● Interest the reader right at the beginning.You can start your stories with dialogue or action.If you can make the reader ask questions,then he has to keep reading to find out the answers.
  ● Follow the steps.The steps for every story is almost the same:Introduce the characters and conflict(争端);things get worst;all seems lost;the hero saves the day!
  ● Balance is the key.
  Remember,when writing,it never hurts to add a little humor.
  ( )66.Where did the writer write down the stories? 
  A.In notebooks.B.On the blackboard.
  C.On scraps of paper.D.Both A and C. 
  ( )67.What’s her goal as a teacher? 
  A.To teach excellent teacher.
  B.To be a writer.
  C.To encourage the students to love writing.
  D.To Tell stories. 
  ( )68.In the writer’s mind,can anyone be an author? 
  A.Of course not. B.Yes,anyone can.
  C.Yes,nobody can.D.No,only good students can. 
  ( )69.According to the writer,you should interest the reader right_________of the story.
  A.at the beginningB.in the middle
  C.in the endD.any part 
  ( )70.What’s the last step of writing a story according to the passage? 
  A.Create great characters.B.Interest the reader.
  C.Follow the steps.D.Balance is the key. 
   How to Listen Carefully in Class
  71.Sit near the _________of the classroom.Clear your mind. 
  72.Look at your teacher.It’s _________ for you to follow him/her. 
  73.If you can’t _________something,ask a question. 
  74.Don’t talk to others or _________with something. 
  75.Keep these things in mind.After class you can tell _________of what your teachers have said. 
  IX.任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 
  阅读短文,并按要求完成 76~80 题。
  A 6-year-old American boy was believed lost in a helium balloon but he was found safe inside his home after a hard searching on October 15th.The balloon was launched from his backyard.
  Falcon was missing when the homemade flying balloon left the ground two hours later.Their neighbor said he heard two boys shouting to him that their younger brother was away up in the air,and their father was running around while their mother seemed very worried.
  Then a great hunt for the 4- pound child began.The police worried that the boy would fall out of the balloon during the flight.Because it moved rapidly through the sky,the police believed the child was on the balloon.When they were ready to make it drop,the balloon came down itself in a field.Workers quickly opened it and found there was no one inside.Shortly before 4 pm the boy was found hiding inside a box in the attic(阁楼) in his home.
  “I’ve seen this before,” said the boy’s father.“When the children realize that people are looking for them,they will hide themselves.Because they are afraid of being in trouble.”
  His worried parents enjoyed a happy reunion(团聚) with their little son.His parents thought it was a wonder to see him again.
  76题判断正误( “T” 表示正确,“F”表示错误);77题完成句子;78~79题简略回答问题;80题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
  76.Not only Falon’s parents but also their neighbor thought he flew away by the balloon.【 】
  77.When the younger brother was away up in the air,the two boys were heard _________ something.
  78.What did the police do after they knew Falcon was missing? 
  79.How many people are there in the family?
  81.The road is c_________ with snow.It’s white now.
  82.I have known the _________(important) of learning English.
  83.He rides his bicycle as _________(快地) as his father.
  84.My mother always _________(担心的) my sister when she came home late last year.
  85.We haven’t _________(做决定) whether we will go or not.
  XI.基础写作(包括 A、B 两部分,A 部分 5 分,B 部分 10 分,共计 15 分)
  A)连词成句(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
  _______________________________________________ ?
  87.would,had,dollars,what,million,you,you,a,do,if 
  _______________________________________________ ? 
  _______________________________________________ .
  _______________________________________________ .
  _______________________________________________ .
  假如你叫李英,英语学得很好,请你向其他同学介绍一下学习英语的体会。 
  2.体会:要在短时间内学好英语,必须要努力下苦功夫。课内外要多听、多说、多读和多写。 
  要求: 语句通顺,表达正确,书写规范,60~80个词左右。
5月28日,SAP公司宣布,正式任命张烈生(Timothy Cheung)为SAP中国区董事总经理,全面负责SAP公司在中国区的业务和运营,并直接向SAP北亚区总裁兼首席执行官纪秉盟汇报。中国是
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A  After Mr and Mrs Black spent a happy morning at the park with Mike, their five-year-old grandson, they stopped at a restaurant and then went into it for lunch. When the waiter___1___them some menus