A new algorithm based on metaheuristics for data clustering

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sy_2005
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This paper presents a new algorithm for clustering a large amount of data.We improved the ant colony clustering algorithm that uses an ant’s swarm intelligence,and tried to overcome the weakness of the classical cluster analysis methods.In our proposed algorithm,improvements in the efficiency of an agent operation were achieved,and a new function “cluster condensation” was added.Our proposed algorithm is a processing method by which a cluster size is reduced by uniting similar objects and incorporating them into the cluster condensation.Compared with classical cluster analysis methods,the number of steps required to complete the clustering can be suppressed to 1% or less by performing this procedure,and the dispersion of the result can also be reduced.Moreover,our clustering algorithm has the advantage of being possible even in a small-field cluster condensation.In addition,the number of objects that exist in the field decreases because the cluster condenses;therefore,it becomes possible to add an object to a space that has become empty.In other words,first,the majority of data is put on standby.They are then clustered,gradually adding parts of the standby data to the clustering data.The method can be adopted for a large amount of data.Numerical experiments confirmed that our proposed algorithm can theoretically applied to an unrestricted volume of data. This paper presents a new algorithm for clustering a large amount of data. We improve the ant colony clustering algorithm that uses an ant’s swarm intelligence, and tried to overcome the weakness of the classical cluster analysis methods. In our proposed algorithm, improvements in the efficiency of an agent operation were achieved, and a new function “cluster condensation ” was added.Our proposed algorithm is a processing method by which a cluster size is reduced by uniting similar objects and incorporating them into the cluster condensation .Compared with classical cluster analysis methods, the number of steps required to complete the clustering can be suppressed to 1% or less by performing this procedure, and the dispersion of the results can also be reduced. Moreover, our clustering algorithm has the advantage of being possible even in a small-field cluster condensation.In addition, the number of objects that exist in the field decreases the cluster condenses; therefore, it becomes po ssible to add an object to a space that has become empty. in other words, first, the majority of data is put on standby. they are then clustered, gradually adding parts of the standby data to the clustering data. for a large amount of data. Numerical experiments confirmed that our proposed algorithm can theoretically applied to an unrestricted volume of data.
摘 要:学习是一种非常艰辛而又漫长的脑力劳动。在这个过程中充满了许多障碍和困难,针对小学生容易见异思迁的特点,我们必须让孩子们端正学习态度,培养学生一丝不苟的学习态度,增强他们学习数学的信心,并最终促使学生学好数学。  关键词:小学生;数学;培养兴趣  小学生对学习产生兴趣,才能促使他们主动地学习,子曰:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。一般地说,人类对韵律、节奏、语言和美的感受有一种与生俱来的
摘 要:数学是一门源于生活,又反哺生活的学科。它要求教师以学生的现有知识为基础,从学生的实际生活出发,建立数学模型,并加以讲解和运用。这样既可以让学生获取更多的生活经验,又能够获得知识能力与思维情感等多方面的锻炼与发展。所以,在小学数学教学中,教师要时刻注意把教学过程与学生的生活经验结合起来。  关键词:小学数学;生活化教学;教学策略  课堂教学生活化是新课程改革的要求,符合小学生的年龄特征和认知
摘 要:随着新课改在全国的不断推进,视觉思维理论在高中数学教学中的应用受到了越来越广泛的关注。 视觉思维理论在高中数学教学中能够发挥不可忽视的作用,它的运用有助于提高学生的数学学习效率,提高高中数学教学质量。 本文概述了视觉思维理论的基本原理,分析了高中数学学习中学生视觉思维的基本特点,阐述了如何培养高中生数学学习的视觉思维,加强视觉思维理论在数学教学中的应用研究。  关键词:视觉思维理论;高中数
课堂教学总是在一定的时空中进行,教学过程的诸多要素在时空的组合方式直接影响着学生学习的主动性和积极性,影响着教学效率和质量,关系到教学目标是否实现,教学任务是否完成。那么,在新课程背景下,高中新课程如何有效地开展课堂教学呢?下面就自己的教学实践来谈谈一些教学体会。  一、新课程中常见的有效教学模式  (一)“问题—探究—创新”教学模式  “问题—探究—创新”教学模式是教师指导学生将先前已获得的知识
摘 要:随着国家新课程改革的实施,如何提高小学体育课堂教学效率,是小学体育工作者需要探讨的课题。目前小学体育课程存在教学内容单一,学生体育素质低下,教学方法不合理等等问题,都是制约小学体育课堂教学效率的提高。  关键词:小学体育;教学效率;游戏  近年来,随着新课程改革的不断深入,小学体育课堂越来越受到重视,小学体育就是一种通过体育锻炼提高学生的身心健康,向学生传授体育基础知识,掌握正确的运动技能