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吴宝康教授主编的、作为高等学校文科教材的《档案学概论》(以下简称《概论》)已由中国人民大学出版社出版。当我读了全书之后,深感《概论》是档案学理论建设的重要成果,是小国档案学理论逐渐趋于成熟、完备的标志,是新中国近40年来档案学理论建设的总结。我深信,该书的出版,对档案学理论研究,特别对档案学教学必有推动作用。 一、《概论》的特点 (一)《概论》是对我国档案学理论研究的总结和概括,理论色彩很浓。作者以历史唯物主义的观点,回顾了世界和我国档案学发生、形成、发展的历史,在继承前人和他人研究成果的基础上,着重总结了中华人民共和国近40年来的档案事业、档案工作、档案学发展和研究的成果,做了系统的理论概括,是继承与创新相结合的产物。《概论》第十三、十四章回顾了欧美档案学产生、发展的历史,第十五章对中国档案学产生、发展及趋势做了符合历史的叙述。从世界范围看,档案学萌芽于16、17世纪,18世纪法国大革命后的档案工作 An Introduction to Archival Science (hereinafter referred to as “Introduction”) compiled by Professor Wu Baokang as a liberal arts textbook for colleges and universities has been published by Renmin University Press. After I read the book, I deeply feel that “Introduction” is an important achievement in the theory construction of archives. It is a sign that the theory of archival theory in a small country is gradually becoming mature and complete. It is a summary of the theoretical construction of archival science in the past 40 years in New China. I am convinced that the publication of the book will play a role in the study of the theory of archives, especially in the teaching of archives. First, the characteristics of “Introduction” (a) “Introduction” is the summary and summary of the theoretical study of China’s archives, the theory is very rich in color. On the basis of historical materialism, the author reviews the history of the world and the occurrence, formation and development of archives in our country. On the basis of inheriting the research results of predecessors and others, the author summarizes the archival work and archives work in the past 40 years in the People’s Republic of China , The development of archives and the research results, made a systematic summary of the theory, is the product of a combination of inheritance and innovation. The thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of the Introduction review the history of the emergence and development of archival science in Europe and the United States. The fifteenth chapter makes a historical account of the birth, development and trend of Chinese archival science. From the perspective of the world, archival science sprouted in the 16th and 17th centuries and the file work after the French Revolution in the 18th century