增长基础不稳 通胀压力再现——中国银行中国经济金融展望季报(2013年第二季度)

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在外需改善、政策趋松和投资加快等因素的用下,今年第二季度,我国经济增长将小幅回升GDP增长8.2%左右,比第一季度有所加快;C上涨3.2%左右。但从全年来看,经济运行中存的不确定性依然较多,出口面临成本上升和需求缓的双重考验,企业生产成本上升和创新能力不问题并存,国民经济回升动力总体较弱。与此同时食品价格反弹,全球流动性宽松和资源性产品价改革,通胀压力有所增大。未来一段时间,宏观济政策既不会太紧也不会太松,在稳增长和防通 In the second quarter of this year, China’s economy will rebound slightly and its GDP will increase by 8.2%, accelerating from the first quarter and C up by 3.2% due to the improvement in external demand, the loosening of policies and the acceleration of investment. However, from a year-on-year perspective, there are still many uncertainties in the operation of the economy. The export sector faces the dual challenges of rising costs and slowing down demand. Both the rising cost of production and the ability to innovate coexist, and the momentum of national economic recovery is generally weak. At the same time, food prices rebounded, the global easing of liquidity and resource price reform, inflationary pressures have increased. For some time to come, macroeconomic policies will neither be too tight nor too loose. In the course of steady growth and prevention
胃食管反流病是临床上常见疾病,现总结近10年来中西医治疗胃食管反流病的文献,从病因病机、中西医治疗、现代研究、存在问题及展望等方面进行分析总结。 Gastroesophageal r
1.工业经济总量达到巨大规模,许多重要工业产品产量跃居世界前列1952~1998年,全部工业职工人数由533万人增长到5394-2万人,增长了9-12倍;工业总产值由349亿元增长到119693-4亿元,同比增长259-71倍,平均每年增长12-9%。许 1. The t