Hepatic encephalopathy with status epileptics: A case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jdalian1417
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A 62-year-old male with decompensated liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C virus developed severe hepatic encephaiopathy with status epileptic us. The blood ammonia level on admission was more than twice the normal level. Brain computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were normal. In addition, electroencephalogram showed diffuse sharp waves, consistent with hepatic encephaiopathy. The status epilepticus was resolved after antiepileptic therapy (phenytoin sodium) and treatment for hepatic encephaiopathy (Branched chain amino acids). The blood ammonia level normalized with the clinical improvement and the patient did not have a recurrence of status epilepticus after the end of the antiepileptic treatment. Additionally, the electroencephalogram showed normal findings. Thus, we diagnosed the patient as hepatic encephaiopathy with status epilepticus. We consider the status epilepticus of this patient to a rare and interesting finding in hepatic encephaiopathy. A 62-year-old male with decompensated liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C virus developed severe hepatic encephaiopathy with status epileptic us. The blood ammonia level on admission was more than twice the normal level. Brain computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were normal. In addition, electroencephalogram showed diffuse sharp waves, consistent with hepatic encephaiopathy. The status epilepticus was resolved after antiepileptic therapy (phenytoin sodium) and treatment for hepatic encephaiopathy (Branched chain amino acids). The blood ammonia level normalized with the clinical improvement and the patient did not, a recurrence of status epilepticus after the end of the antiepileptic treatment..,, we diagnosed the patient as hepatic encephaiopathy with status epilepticus. We consider the status epilepticus of this patient to a rare and interesting finding. in hepatic encephaiopathy.
【内容摘要】随着新课改实施,高中课程的改革,传统的教学模式已经不能适应时代的发展,也严重影响学生的综合能力和综合素质的培养。因此转变高中数学教师教育教学的观念,改变传统的填鸭式的教学模式,创新教学方法已经势在必行。下面我们重点进行研究高中数学教学模式的改革与创新。  【关键词】高中数学 教学模式 改革 创新  新课改的实施对高中数学教学产生很大的影响,对高中数学教师的综合素质和综合能力也提出更高的
三角形中位线定理在初中数学里是一个很重要的定理,它说明:(1)中位线平行于第三边,这是位置关系;(2)中位线的长等于第三边的一半,这是数量关系. The triangle median line t
计划是指人们为了达到一定的预期目的,对以后一个时期内的活动所作的部署和安排。“思而后行,谋而后定。”要想取得事半功倍的工作效果,计划好是前提,敢创新是关键。 Plan r
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墓志铭是给过世的人写的,在文物考古、博物馆陈列保管工作中经常见到。在古代,墓志主要是把死者的简要生平刻在石碑上,放进墓穴里,中国人讲究立德、立言、立行,死后这些都是要写进墓志铭的,以求得人死留名。作为华夏文化的组成部分,墓志铭一般形体较小,随着墓主的棺柩一起入葬土中,是看不见摸不着的东西。由墓碑演变而来,由原先竖立于地面转入到地下。晋、南北朝、隋、唐造像墓志等六十余种  墓志铭的起源与发展  墓志
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我们生活在一个充满各种声音的大千世界里,声音在生活中有着广泛的应用,声是人和动物获取信息的重要途径之一。声不仅可以传递信息,还可以传递能量。前者是通过声波了解、感知物体的某些特征和一些其他状况。后者是指声音对物体起到一定的物理作用。如产生变形、去污、破碎等一系列的变化。  一、声与信息  我们利用声音可以获得很多信息,例如人们通过交谈、听广播、听录音等获取信息;医生利用“B超”可以准确地获得人体内
摘 要: “激励”是课堂教学中不可轻视的重要手段,以“需要”激励学生,教师必须艺术地去启发学生形成这种需要,使它产生激励学生兴致盎然的投入学习作用。  关键词: 激励机制 语文课堂教学 运用    古人说得好:“水不激不跃,人不激不奋。”“行为科学”也认为,一个人在没有受到激励的情况下,能力仅能发挥20%—30%,如受到正確而充分的激励,能力就有可能发挥到80%—90%,甚至更多。所有这些都说明了