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第十一届全国消费电子技术年会暨数字电视研讨会(NCCE2009)吸引了众多业内专家和企业精英齐聚西宁。大家共同探讨了消费电子市场的发展动向、数字电视产业的发展趋势,畅谈了在发展中遇到的困难和疑惑。“融合”无疑是产业发展的一大趋势,既有网络融合,又有业务融合、终端融合,但业内其实更需要的是思想融合。如果我们能够少一些门户之见、利益之争,努力给数字电视和音视频产业营造一个相对和谐、公正的发展环境,或许我们就能少走很多弯路,在数字电视以及音视频产业上就能实现更快、更高效的良性可持续发展,企业也能看清方向、放开手脚、施展抱负,最终则使得消费者受益、老百姓受益。本次会议为不同思想的碰撞与融合创造一次难得的机会,在以下本刊节选的这些真知灼见中,或许可以使您找到共鸣、觅得知音,或许可以为您触发灵感、指点迷津,又或许可以让您发现适合您的模式或方案。本次会议内容丰富,相关报道分为两期进行刊登。欢迎您就相关议题为本刊撰稿(。 The Eleventh National Consumer Electronics Technology Conference and Digital Television Seminar (NCCE2009) has attracted many industry experts and business elite gathered in Xining. We discussed together the development trend of the consumer electronics market, the development trend of the digital television industry, and talked about the difficulties and doubts encountered in the development. “Convergence ” is undoubtedly a major trend of industrial development. There are not only network convergence, but also business integration and terminal convergence. However, what is more needed in the industry is ideological convergence. If we can strive to create a relatively harmonious and equitable development environment for the digital TV and audio-video industries by reducing the number of disputes between the gatekeepers and the public, we may be able to take a few detours and achieve faster in the digital TV and audio-video industries , More efficient and benign sustainable development, enterprises can also see the direction, let go of their hands and feet and exert their ambitions, which ultimately benefit consumers and benefit ordinary people. This meeting creates a unique opportunity for the collision and integration of different ideas. In these insights collected in the following articles, you may find that you can find the resonance, find the unknown, maybe you can inspire, guide you and maybe Allows you to find the right pattern or plan for you. The meeting is rich in content, the relevant reports are divided into two issues. Welcome to your topic for the article written by (