量化考核指标 增强竞争意识

来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaae
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为了提高我院管理和技术的整体水平,加快在同行业中的竞争力度,我们坚持“科技兴院,竞争出人才,管理出效益”的全新理念。从2000年开始采用100分制,确定七大项考核得分内容,对全院临床、医技科室的年度目标考核进行量化,收到了良好效果。具体做法是: 一、内容 (一)政治学习、医德医风、病人投诉(20分) 1、政治学习5分:按照医院统一安排,科室组织学习是否有记录、完整和缺席人员; 2、医德医风10分:仪表着装、“红包”、“回扣”、劳动纪律和综合测评满意度; 3、病人投诉5分:按时开诊、工作质量(包括大、中、小差错和赔偿)及服务态度。 In order to improve the overall management and technical level of our hospital and speed up the competition in the same industry, we adhere to the brand-new concept of “developing hospitals by science and technology, competing for talents and managing benefits”. Since 2000, we have adopted the 100-point system to determine the scores of the seven major assessment items and have quantified the annual goal assessment of the clinical and medical departments of the hospital and received good results. The specific practices are: First, the content (a) political study, medical ethics, patients complaints (20 points) 1, political learning 5 points: in accordance with the hospital unified arrangements, departments organize learning whether there is a record, complete and absent; Medical Wind 10 points: instrument dress, “red envelope”, “rebate”, labor discipline and comprehensive evaluation of satisfaction; 3, patient complaints 5 points: open on time, the quality of work (including large, medium and small errors and Compensation) and service attitude.
综合无损检测实验室质量管理及认可 0 33CH G r(土耳其 )大口径武器磨损分析自动化 0 6 8D Salafia,Norberto L Deleon,James F Outlaw(美国 )印尼工业实时射线照相系统的改
目的 TMPyP4是G-四链体的配体,能够诱导形成G-四链体结构并增强G-四链体结构的稳定性,加强G-四链体作为负调控因子抑制MET基因的表达;G-四链体结构的形成可以选择性的抑制肿
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我们监测20例小儿纯氧通气下吸痰过程中血氧饱和度(SPO_2)的变化,报告如下。1 临床资料和方法 男14例,女6例。年龄1~10岁(4.61±3.26),体重17.1±7.7kg。术前肌注安定0.3mg/k
“代表中国先进文化的前进方向” 是江泽民同志“三个代表”思想的内容之一。先进医院文化建设不但可提升医院的文明程度、医务人员的素质和医院的知名度,而且使我国医疗行
一度在消费者中产生不良影响的医疗机构中的某些现象,正通过新一轮的河北省医务价格改革得以消除。有些现象,也许每一位看过病的人都经历过,比如 CT 收费过高,一般工人做一