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1994年3月30日,电力工业部以电政法(1994)184号文发出关于《电力建设利用外资暂行规定》的通知。通知指出:为了促进电力建设利用外资工作的健康发展,加快电力工业利用外资的步伐,根据国务院有关文件和全国外资工作座谈会精神,结合电力工业利用外资的经验和存在问题,我部拟订了《电力建设利用外资暂行规定》。电力建设利用外资是加快电力改革与发展的重大举措,也是一项政策性很强的工作。各电管局、电力局要切实承担起行业管理职责,依法加强对本地区电力项目利用外资工作的管理,会同有关部门搞好利用外资的前期工作,利用外资既要持积极态度,又要注意防止盲目性,要不断总结经验,提高工作水平。为了使电力建设利用外资符合我国法律要求,对意向书、合同书的起草、谈判、签订应有法律顾问参加,均应严格按规定程序办理。本规定发至各电管局,各省(自治区、直辖市)电力局,各归口管理单位。 On March 30, 1994, the Ministry of Power Industry issued a notice on the Provisional Regulations on the Use of Foreign Investment in the Construction and Utilization of Electric Power (1994) No. 184. The notice pointed out: In order to promote the healthy development of foreign investment in the construction of electricity and accelerate the use of foreign investment in the power industry, according to the relevant documents of the State Council and the national seminar on foreign investment, combined with the experience and problems of foreign investment in the power industry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has formulated Provisional Regulations on the Use of Foreign Investment in Power Construction. The use of foreign capital for power construction is a major measure to accelerate the reform and development of power, and it is also a highly policy-oriented work. Each of the Electric Power Management Bureau and Electric Power Bureau must effectively assume the responsibility of industry management, strengthen the management of the use of foreign capital for electric projects in the region according to law, work together with related departments to do a good job in the early stage of the utilization of foreign capital, and take a positive attitude toward the use of foreign capital, but also pay attention to prevention. Blindness, we must continue to sum up experience and improve the level of work. In order to make the use of foreign investment in the construction of electric power conform to the requirements of our country’s laws, the legal consultant shall participate in drafting, negotiating, and signing the letter of intent and contract, and shall strictly follow the prescribed procedures. This regulation shall be sent to all electric power management bureaus, power administrations of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), and each centralized management unit.
村口过队伍,碾子挤在人群里瞧热闹。排长一眼瞅见他,过来在他宽厚的胸脯上捣了两拳,说:“这身板儿,不当兵可惜!”  碾子只是轻微晃了晃,问排长:“当兵有啥好处?”  排长说:“饭管饱,还发军饷。”  碾子又问:“那……攒一年钱,够买头牛不?”  排长愣了一下,然后呵呵一笑,说:“这就看你小子咋混了!”  碾子心动了,碾子家人口多,吃不饱,更关键的是,碾子打小就有个梦想:给爹娘买一头牛。爹娘在土里刨食