The one of the most important strategies in vocabulary memorization---Review Strategy

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  Abstract: In my thesis, I mainly present one of the most important strategies in vocabulary memorization. After finishing reading, I hope more English learners enjoy English.
  Key wordsvocabulary memorization, memorizing regulations,memoring strategies
  What’s the review? many people may say:” review is very easy, that’s to say, review means reading the learnt materials again.” Not exactly, review is like to scratch the trails, the more, the deeper. When reviewing, we mainly focus new comprehension on leant knowledge; only in this way do we gain good review efficiently.
   Review the Learnt Knowledge In Time
  According to the famous psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus’s (1850-1909) experiment report which delivered in 1885, in his report, he chose some alphabets arranged in disorder, testing himself. After the experiments, he drew famous forgetting curve revealing the forgetting laws as follow:
  According to the illustration, the vertical axis means the numbers of knowledge learnt in the process .The curve means the change regulations in memorizing laws. From the curve, we know that the forgetting has its own laws, but the extent of forgetting is not the same in the whole process: At the beginning of memorization, the rate of forgetting is the farthest, and then slower, after a certain time, it keeps balance, namely, it obeys the principles “first fast, then slow”. If we don’t review the knowledge learnt the day before, we would only memorize 25 percent of it today. Chinese greatest philosopher Confucius said that“ Review what you 've learned from time to time” which comply with Hermann Ebbinghaus’s curve. No matter who you are, if you want to memorize something ,you have to go though the process of reciting, maintenance, recognification, and recollection. There are several states in vocabulary memorization, that’s to say, we considered to memorize the word structures (including pronunciations ,meanings, and usage.) In this process, validity, simplicity, and usage are the key points.
  In schools, we often find the situation: some students listen very carefully and write down notes cautiously in class, but after class seldom do them take them out to review, then, next class they still take out the notebooks to write down new knowledge, so at the end of term, they take so many notes, but it’s very difficult for them to review the learnt knowledge, why? The famous German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus told us that we should review the learnt knowledge before forgetting. Only in this way do we have double efficiencies. If you wait till the end of term, the knowledge which you have learnt is almost forgotten. So it’s very tough to review again. The Russian distinguished psychologist World Lingo gave us very vivid simile----he compared the brain to the large building, pointing out that the function of review is the same as to consolidate the building, while it is not to repair the collapsed building. Just as the English proverb says that: “A stitch in time saves nine.” it means one stitch in time saves nine stitches.
  ① The Integrating and Departing Review
  Many people may say:“I trap in the strange circle of memorization and forgetting”. Actually, whether we can turn short-term memorization into long-term memorization depends on the strength and frequency of outside stimulations andalso relies on the information stored in short-term memorization. Psychologists still found that the processes of this transformation involved the capacity of man’s recognition which includes capacity of integration (finding the same attributions), capacity of distinction (finding the differences), forming concepts (concluding the distributions) and association. The application of these four aspects would strengthen the intensity of information and also give the impetus to the transformation.
  First, let’s see very interesting psychological experiment--- There were two group of students who learned 18 words respectively, the first group learnt 18 words which are all new to them, while the second group learn 9 words which are familiar to them, but 9 words are new to them, then, ask them to write down the words by themselves, can you evaluate which group is better one?
   If repeating the words can make further impressions, so there’s no doubt that second group would be better, because among these Words, half of them they had learnt before, now ,they only needed to memorize the new half, but as a matter of fact, the first group are better, because according to the view of proceeding information, the original old words already had some associations, forming integration, when adding the other 9words the learners need to break the old connections to build new associations in 18 words, thus ,the efficiency of the first group is better than that one of the second group.
  ② Concentrating and Detracting Strategies
   There are many psychological experiment proved that the distracting strategy is better than concentrating strategy. In order to explain this conclusion clearly, one of the psychologists set a good example--if we want to paint our furniture, we should paint for in the first time until it is dry , then paint the second time, some people without experience would want to complete the task justonly for the first time, in this way they may fail to paint the surface smoothly. In the same theory, neural system accepts the stimulation which will be turned into trails that also needs a period of time to consolidate. Concentrating review leading to bad results may be because of having not waited for the consolidation of former trails, while the new trails are added, so there is no time to enhance the trails. When the Chinese famous artist Feng Zikai learnt the English, he applied the distracting strategy: When he began to study English, he required himself to recite every passage with 22 times, there is the table as follow:
   Thefirsttext The secondtext The third text The fourth textOn the first dayten On the second day fiveten On the third dayfive five ten On the fourth daytwo five five ten But in this process, in order to achieve better consequences, we should apply scientifical individual memorizing methods as common as possible. We know Ebbinghaus’s curve law is suitable for the mass who posses the same attributions , but individual may have different physiological traits ,and life experiences lead to different memorizing habits ,memorizing methods ,and memorizing traits ,so the memorizing laws embodies the different forms on individuals. We should combine the scientific memorizing with personal characteristics. Firstly , on the distribution of time ,generally speaking ,the most proper memorizing time is nine to eleven on P.M, three to four on A.M.,and seven to ten at night ,but actually many people find it much better on the morning or at middle night when environment is very quiet practically. On the long term of study, we should gradually grope for our best memorizing time in order to make full use of it. Secondly, the emotional factors also give much effecton study ,many students feel distress when studying,th-
  ough given much pressure ,they gain the limiting efficiency .If our brains always stay in the contradictionary states,so no matter how hard can we give much pressure on ourselves,it will keep low efficiency. Sometimes reading humorous English jokes and pondering proper vocabulary usage, you will feel that they are much more helpful.
   All in all, to alternate work and rest and keeping optimistic attitude will increase the efficiency of our brains.
  ③ Strategy of Trying to Recollect
  In many schools, the teachers may ask students to recite the English text, while the students may read the text time and time again till reciting out. This method is very mechanical and passive. Actually, before we recite the passages, we could read the material several times, then closing the book, trying to recite, if you couldn’t recite at all then open the book. To this strategy is a kind of active memorizing process. It would improve the learners’ activity and searching spirits, more over, it makes the learners know where it still needs to strengthen, apparently, it helps the learners save amounts of time in the long run and prevent cramming.
  In this thesis, I just mention a common method, which isrelied on my own learning English experiences . In my opinion, to be successful in one’s English, the following principal should be borne in mind-they are good study method, perseverance, and full concentration, we could express it in the famous format, that’s ,success equals good study plusing perseverance.
  What I have mentioned above is just an ice corner of Iceland. Learning English vocabulary has no fixed model; we could use various kinds of strategies only if we could memorize the words efficiently and firmly if the same group of words is given to students, perhaps they could get same consequences obviously, but go through different memorizing processes owing to we having different characteristics and life experiences.
  Above all, if the readers could absorb and use whatever the points I mentioned, I will be very grateful.
  [3]赵世开:(2001)《论语言和语言学习》,北京第二外国语学院 学报《学丛》第2期。
[摘要]课堂教学高效性是指在常态的课堂教学中,通过教师的引领和学生积极主动的学习思维过程,在单位时间内(一般是一节课)高效率、高质量地完成教学任务、促进学生获得高效发展。高效发展就其内涵而言,是指知识与技能,过程与方法和情感、态度、价值观“三维目标”的协调发展。  [关键词] 创建;高效;初中语文课堂一、设计导学新课程  导学新课设计很重要重要。首先要设计新颖别致的导语,创设情境,激发学生学习兴趣
《数学课程标准》指出:“义务教育阶段的数学课程,其基本的出发点是促进学生全面、持续、和谐的发展”。学生的学习和发展,主渠道就是课堂教学。小学数学课堂有效教学就是师生之间、学生之间交往互动、共同发展的过程。因此小学数学课堂教学是否有效,可以说是教学的生命。教师教什么?如何教?学生学到什么?得到怎样的发展?值得我们积极的思考和追求。  一、解读教材是追求小学数学课堂有效教学的基础  教材是教师和学生进
1病因分析   流产的原因极为复杂。属传染性流产者,多见于布氏杆菌病、弯杆菌病、毛滴虫病。非传染性者,可见于子宫畸形、胎盘坏死、胎膜炎和羊水增多症等;内科病,如肺炎、肾炎、有毒植物中毒、食盐中毒等;外科病,如外伤、蜂窝织炎、败血症等。长途运输过于拥挤,水草供应不均,饲喂冰冻和发霉饲料,也可导致流产。   饲喂霉变饲草,饮冰茬水、气候骤变,公母羊混群饲养、母羊进出圈挤撞、放牧跌倒等。均能造成山羊流产
[摘要]在日新月异的现代社会,对劳动者的职业能力要求越来越高。如何培养学生的学习能力?如何提高学生的综合能力?本文通过“导入型”教学法在初中化学教学中的实践从学生主体性的体现、教学手段的改进、评价方案的改变等方面进行了阐述。  [关键词] 导入型;教学法;探究策略一、“导入型”教学法的概述  “导入型”教学法不是一种具体的教学方法,而是一种新的教学理念。其核心是在活动中,用行为来引导学生启发学生的
[摘要]师生的教学活动大部分是在课堂上完成的,因此,如何利用课堂资源提高教学效率是教师必须面对的问题。文章从导语兴趣、行程兴趣、 演示兴趣、 语言兴趣、 插叙兴趣、 讨论兴趣、 歌谣兴趣、活动兴趣、情感兴趣、赞赏兴趣等方面论述了地理课堂兴趣教学,以达到提高教学质量的目的。  [关键词] 兴趣;教学;激发;学习郭沫若说:“兴趣出勤奋,兴趣出天才。”兴趣是学习的挚友,是学习的一种原动力。当一个人对某种
[摘要]新教材中初高中生物教学衔接在知识安排、教材本身、考试制度等上存在一系列问题。高中生物教师应当找出初高中教材衔接点,制定切实有效的课程目标,完善教学方法,有针对性地对学生进行学法指导,来解决初高中生物教学衔接问题。  [关键词] 生物教学;教法:教学衔接;教学研究现阶段,初高中生物教学衔接中涉及教材本身、知识安排的难度梯度、考试制度等存在问题(1)中考升学中生物分值偏低。(2)知识难度梯度跨
[摘要]素质教育的核心是创新教育,要想培养学生的创新精神,教师必须要做到:让学生产生强烈的好奇心;让学生有不同见解和做法;让学生敢于提出“我自己来”; 拜学生为师,向学生学习;敢于打破各种条条框框的束缚。学生只有对知识有求索的欲望,创新的火花才能迸发。  [关键词] 好奇;独特;亲历;破格素质教育、创新教育是当今大家都非常关注的热门话题,素质教育的核心是创新教育。在开展创新教育中,要想培养学生的创
[摘要]在新课程标准背景下,初中物理教学要推行素质教育,适应新课程改革的新要求,教师要面临教学观念和教学方法等方面的转变。本文就更新教学观念,转变教学方法,改革教学手段,运用教学媒体等内容进行了探讨,力求适应新课改的要求。   [关键词] 新课程标准;物理教学;教学观念;教学方法;探究式教学 新课标实施以来,教师的教学理念、教学方法发生了很大的变化,教师既要考虑学生的身心发展,想方设法减轻学生的负
[摘要]本文主要阐述利用导数判断函数单调性的教学后的一些感想,导数是微积分的重要组成部分, 它在自然科学、工程技术及日常生活等方面都有着广泛的应用,利用导数来研究函数的单调性是非常具有优越性与可比性的。授之于鱼,不如授之于渔。我们要教会学生思考,锻炼和培养学生的逻辑思维能力;让学生在学会学数学的方法的同时感受到数学的美。  [关键词] 导数;函数单调性;数学的思想方法导数是微积分的重要组成部分,