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Invited by Rhone-Poulenc Chimie,France,aChinese delegation of Ministry of Metallurgical Indus-try visited France Sept.19-Oct.17,1992.The dele-gation,including members of Baotou Steel and RareEarth Company(BSREC),received a warm entertain-ment and visited
The need of suitable projection tables for mapping the Chinese countrythat will stand both for the refine requirement of large scale maps as well asgeneral maps of either the whole country or the indi
Formerly No.713 Factory,Huaxing Metallur-gical & Chemical Co.under China Nuclear IndustryGeneral Corporation was established in 1958 and putinto operation in 19
口腔粘膜病(Oral Mucosal Disease,OMD)内窥镜管理系统是我科研制开发的专门用于OMD的临床信息系统,它由口腔内窥镜系统和计算机系统两部分组成.通过内窥镜系统将患者的口腔
A two-day Sino-Japanese Meeting onRare Earth which ended on November 1st,1990 in Beijing showed that more atten-tion will be payed on RE development,andRE will
Gansu Rare Earth Corporation is one of thelargest rare earth producers in China.Its annual pro-duction capacity of rare earth chloride has reached18000 ton REO
Can RE be used in the desulfurization of the acid-rain?Acid-rain is an air pollutant and consists ofsome sulfur-containing chemicals.Now the thermody-namic expe
At the invitation of Shanghai RareEarth Society and other institutions,Dr.Masaaki Hamano at Kanegafuchi Chemi-cal Industry Co.Ltd.,Japan,gave a ser-ties of lect