经研究决定:中国法医学会将于2003年5月下旬在重庆市举办为期7天的中外最新法庭科学技术研讨培训班。届时,来自美国和日本的5位法医学专家就以下内容的最新进展和成果与中国同行进行交流、研讨(配有翻译):(1)非正常死亡的检验、鉴定结果与犯罪调查、严重烧伤的法医学鉴定;(2)DNA j
The study decided: China Institute of Forensic Sciences will be held in late May 2003 in Chongqing City, a 7-day trial of Chinese and foreign forensic science and technology seminars. At that time, five forensic experts from the United States and Japan conducted exchanges and discussions with Chinese counterparts (with translation) on the latest progress and achievements in the following contents: (1) Non-normal death test, appraisal result and crime investigation, severe burns Forensic identification; (2) DNA j