
来源 :寄生虫病与感染性疾病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangqi789
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目的了解云南省4县少数民族居民认知疟疾防治知识对行为改变的影响。方法采用分层整群不等比例抽样调查方法,问卷调查居民一般情况、疟防常识、蚊帐拥有和使用、求医习惯和疟史等。结果通过发放宣传单、张贴海报等干预措施,少数民族居民的疟防常识知晓程度得到明显改善,拉祜族居民的知识水平提高最大,超过30%的少数民族居民已能掌握疟防常识,同时,少数民族居民使用蚊帐进行个人防护、寻求医疗救助的行为得到培养,超过60%人群拥有蚊帐,但正确使用率仍然较低,仅为15·64%。结论随着少数民族居民对疟防常识认知水平的提高,促进了该类人群健康卫生行为的形成,其成效有待进一步扩大。 Objective To understand the effect of cognitive malaria control knowledge on behavioral changes among ethnic minorities in 4 counties in Yunnan Province. Methods The method of stratified cluster unequal proportion sampling was used to survey the general situation of residents, common sense of malaria, possession and use of mosquito nets, medical habits and history of malaria. Results Through the dissemination of leaflets and posters, the awareness of ethnic minorities in malaria awareness has been significantly improved, and the knowledge level of Lahu residents has been raised to the maximum. More than 30% of ethnic minorities have mastered malaria prevention knowledge. At the same time, Moslems are used by ethnic minorities for personal protection. Medical assistance is being sought. More than 60% of the population have mosquito nets, but the correct rate of use is still only 15.64%. Conclusion As the awareness of malaria awareness among ethnic minorities has been raised, the formation of health and hygiene behaviors of these people has been promoted. The effectiveness of this project needs to be further expanded.
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