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为揭示鄱阳湖水生植物群落年周期变化及其重金属污染状况,采用定点观测方法,对鄱阳湖南矶4个碟形湖进行为期1年的调查,采用原子吸收分光光度法测定水体、电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定底泥和水生植物重金属Cu、Zn和Pb元素含量。结果表明:4个碟形湖水生植物主要有8科11属12种,其中莕菜、轮叶黑藻、大茨藻和苦草为优势水生植物种群。蝶形湖水深和透明度年周期变化呈现先升高后降低的趋势,其中7月水深最深为269.4cm,透明度最大为170cm,且随湖边向湖心水透明度呈升高趋势。水生植物生物量1—9月份增加,单位面积最大生物量为11 250.0g/m2。优势沉水植物轮叶黑藻9月份株高和密度分别是104.7~124.5cm和1 875~2 200根/m2。蝶形湖水体重金属Cu、Zn和Pb含量符合国家地表水环境质量I类标准,其Zn和Pb含量超出了渔业水质标准;与鄱阳湖流域底泥背景值相比,蝶形湖底泥中重金属含量呈现增加的趋势,增加的速度依次为Cu>Zn>Pb,3种重金属元素的生态毒性效应均达到了最低级别;轮叶黑藻对重金属Cu的富集能力最强,对Pb次之。 In order to reveal the annual variation of aquatic plant community and its heavy metal pollution in Poyang Lake, four years of investigation were conducted on the four plateau lakes in Nanji, Poyang Lake by using fixed point observation method. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine the water body, inductively coupled plasma Determination of Trace Element Contents of Heavy Metals in Sediments and Aquatic Plants by Mass Spectrometry. The results showed that there were 12 species belonging to 11 genera, 8 families, and 8 genera in the four lake-shaped lakes. Among them, Brasenia schreberi, Hydrilla verticillata, Datura stramonium and Vallisneria were dominant aquatic plant populations. The annual variation of water depth and transparency of butterfly lake tended to increase firstly and then decrease, among which the deepest water depth was 269.4 cm in July, the maximum transparency was 170 cm, and the transparency of lake water to lake was increased. The biomass of aquatic plants increased from January to September, the maximum biomass per unit area was 11 250.0g / m2. The dominant submerged plant Hydrilla verticillata in September had plant height and density of 104.7 to 124.5 cm and 1875 to 2200 roots / m2, respectively. The contents of heavy metals Cu, Zn and Pb in butterfly lakes are in line with the national standard I of surface water environmental quality, and the contents of Zn and Pb are beyond the standards of fishery water quality. Compared with the background value of sediment in Poyang Lake, the contents of heavy metals Showing the trend of increase with increasing rates of Cu> Zn> Pb. The ecotoxicological effects of the three heavy metal elements all reached the lowest level. The enrichment ability of the hydromorphus was the strongest for Cu and Pb followed.
免职,在制度上是免去现任领导职务,原因可以是年龄到期,也可以是任职到期,或者考核不合格。而引咎辞职,是指党政领导干部因工作严重 Dismissal, the system is to remove th
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针对儿童诊疗空间这一特殊公共空间,设置科学化、 系统化又兼具美观性的诊疗空间体验流程能为病患提供高效、 安全、有序的视觉信息服务和人性化的诊疗体验.本文首先阐明儿童
克隆茶树Ⅱ型核糖体失活蛋白基因Cs RIPI和Cs RIP2,能够参与茶树的防卫反应,加深对Cs RIPs基因转录调控以及RIPs的生物学功能理解。以凫早2号的幼苗为实验材料,对茶树Ⅱ型核