从集群中来 到集群中去 专访中国纺织工业协会副会长陈树津

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产业集群是在市场配置资源的基础作用下,社会资本、人力资本和产业支撑体系基于产业特点、地域特点与网络特性的比较优势,在纺织服装业积聚的必然结果。目前,我国已形成的纺织集群经济带,以长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、环渤海三角洲这三大经济圈为辐射中心,全国规模以上纺织工业中,76.38%的纺织企业、60.97%的从业人员、86.04%的出口交货值、超过全国纺织经济总量的40%都集中在这里。为了与集群地区共同努力.发展纺织产业,自2002年开始,中国纺织工业协会开展纺织产业集群试点工作,目前已有137个县(市)镇与中国纺织工业协会建立了试点联系。而就在近期,国家、行业各部门的频繁动作,预示着集群工作步入一个新的阶段——2007年11月13日,国家发改委公布了《关于促进产业集群发展的若干意见》,这是国家首次出台专门政策,规范和促进集群发展;2007年12月17日,首部《中国纺织产业集群发展报告》在京隆重发布,《报告》全景式展现了我国纺织产业集群风貌;2008年3月初,中国纺织工业协会将高规格、大范围走访6省产业集群地区,展开全国行业摸底调研,了解当前行业的状况,摸清新形势下遇到的新情况、新问题,为下一步应对提供方略。这一系列举措表明:经过5年的试点工作,2008年,137个纺织产业集群开始启动升级战略! Industrial clusters are the inevitable result of the accumulation in the textile and apparel industry based on the comparative advantage of social capital, human capital and industrial support system based on industrial characteristics, geographical features and network characteristics under the market allocation of resources. At present, the textile cluster economic belt that has been formed in our country takes the three major economic zones of the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Bohai Rim as the radiation centers, 76.38% of the textile enterprises in the textile industry above designated size in the country, 60.97% of the employees, 86.04 % Of the export delivery value, more than 40% of the national textile economy are concentrated here. In order to work together with the cluster areas.Developing the textile industry, China Textile Industry Association since 2002, the textile industry cluster pilot work, at present, 137 counties (cities) town and China Textile Industry Association established a pilot link. In the near future, the frequent actions of the state and various sectors of the industry indicate that the cluster work has entered a new phase. - On November 13, 2007, the NDRC promulgated the “Opinions on Promoting the Development of Industrial Clusters,” which is On December 17, 2007, the first “Report on the Development of China’s Textile Industry Clusters” was released in Beijing. The “Report” shows the style of China’s textile industry cluster in a panoramic manner. In early March 2008, China National Textile and Apparel Council will visit a large area of ​​6 industrial clusters in a large scale and conduct a thorough investigation of the industry in the whole country to understand the current situation of the industry and find out new situations and new problems encountered in the new situation so as to provide a strategy for the next step. This series of measures show that: After 5 years of pilot work, in 2008, 137 textile industrial clusters started the upgrade strategy!
2008年3月12日,在上海市外经委、科委、韩国贸促会等两国官方的大力支持下,领科国际关联企业“上海领科实业发展有限公司”与韩国Java Information Technology Co.,Ltd.信息
岁末年初,盘点一年的收获,盘算来年的计划,这是人们经常要做的事情。在2008年开始的日子里,如何看待卫星产业的发展现状以及发展走向,我们可以从本文中听到 The end of the