在美国学界关于当代中国民族主义研究中,部分学者依然延续着冷战思维范武.这种范式的主要特征是:思维预设上表现为强调东西方意识形态的对立;思维理路体现为从共产主义意识形态的角度考量中国民族主义;在分析中国民族主义方法上采取单方面展示的策略.从本质上讲,冷战思维范式是西方中心思维范式的极端化,其思维根源是二元对立的思维方式.以冷战思维范式考量当代中国民族主义问题给中美公众带来了相互敌视的恶性循环,而冷战思维范式中也凸显了美国部分学者双重标准的悖论.,In American Academic studies onnationalismin contemporary China some scholars still adhere to theCold Warparadigm of thinking which is characterized by the following:First,the presupposition of their thinking is the stress on the East-West ideological confrontation;Second,following their line of reasoning,they observe Chinesenationalismfrom the perspective of communist ideology;Third,in their analysis of Chinesenationalismthey adopt the approach of unilateral display. In essence,theCold Warparadigm of thinking is an extreme expression of the paradigm of thinking with the West as the center,rooted in binary opposition in the mode of thinking.Consideringnationalismin contemporary China with theCold Warparadigm of thinking has brought about a vicious cycle of mutual hostility between the Chinese and the American public and theCold Warparadigm of thinking has also highlighted some American scholars’ paradox of a double standard.