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那是1973年夏日的一个傍晚,一阵急促的哨音划破四连上空,紧急集合,各班排迅速整理好队伍,一至四排集合完毕,快速拉到四连操场。只见连长严肃认真地站在操场中央,开始讲话了:“连队纪律非常散漫:上工时不站队,有的战士铁锹不扛在肩上,拖着地走,像什么,像一群在战场打了败仗的兵。我今天给大家提出严肃的批评。”大约讲了十几分钟的话,宣布结束时,让战士唱歌之后解散。这时四排长在队列起了个头,唱了刚学的一首歌,《我爱 It was one evening in the summer of 1973, while a whistling whistle pierced the air for four consecutive days and set up an emergency. The classes were quickly arranged and the rows of one to four rows were assembled and quickly pulled up to the four-link playground. I saw the commander solemnly standing in the middle of the playground, began to speak: “Company discipline is very casual: the workers do not stand team, some soldiers shovel do not carry on his shoulders, dragged away, like what, like a group of playing in the battlefield Defeated soldiers, and today I solemnly criticize everyone. ”Speaking for about a dozen minutes, he announced that at the end of the ceremony, the warriors would be dissolved after singing. At this time, the four-line leader got his head in the queue and sang a song he had just learned. "I love it
Valentine’sDay,which fall stoday,is heading for a was hout(淘汰) in China as the nation’s romantics continue to enjoy the Lunar New Year holidays.The imported
DURING WWII,people of the world united under one banner and fought a war of life and death against Fascist invaders.In this anti-Fascist war that redefined huma