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有效堵塞体制机制和制度上存在的漏洞,从而加大预防腐败力度从目前形形色色的领导干部违纪违法案件看,体制机制的弊端和漏洞,是一些腐败现象滋生的重要根源。要防止权力滥用或腐败,保证权力忠于人民,就必须着力深化政治体制改革;要更加科学有效地防治腐败,不断以党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的新成效取信于民,就必须把认真研究和解决政治体制问题,放在突出的位置。 Effectively plug the system mechanism and system loopholes, thereby increasing the prevention of corruption From the current leading cadres in disciplinary cases, the drawbacks and loopholes in the system and mechanism are some of the important root causes of corruption. In order to prevent abuse of power or corruption and ensure that the power is loyal to the people, we must make every effort to deepen the reform of the political system. To scientifically and effectively control corruption and constantly win the trust of the people with the new achievements made in the building of a clean government and the fight against corruption, we must earnestly study And solve the political system, put prominence on the position.
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本文分析了100个杉木家系在广东省6个试验点造林的生长表现情况,试验按照数理统计的要求设计,采用性状水平分析法(performace Lerel Analysis),对各试验林中各个家系的生长量