阅读周有光 追随周有光

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在周有光先生109岁华诞之际,笔者以周老学生的身份,对周老的治学、立身、处事深表钦佩和景仰。周有光先生的思想是中国“新启蒙”思潮中的先锋。他是当代,也将是一代又一代知识分子和文化人的楷模。笔者希望有识之士都来阅读周有光,领会其思想,追随其思想。 At 109th birthday of Mr. Zhou Youguang, on the occasion of the 109th anniversary of the founding of the school, the author deeply admired and admired Zhou Zhulang for his scholarship, standing and doing things. The thought of Mr. Zhou Youguang is a pioneer in the trend of “new enlightenment” in China. He is contemporary and will be a model for generations of intellectuals and cultural people. I hope people of insight to read Zhou Youguang, understand their thoughts, follow their thoughts.