”一位不可多得的高级管理人员……他是带领戴尔中国区业务更上一层楼的理想人选。“戴尔公司总部在宣布对黎修树的任命时,作了上述评价。黎修树2000年5月1日刚刚接过戴尔公司中国区帅印,成为这家全球领先的电脑系统直线订购商及互联网基础建设主要供应商拓展中国市场的领军人物。此前,他在施乐公司任中国区副总裁兼总经理,还曾在 IBM 公司供职长达20年之久,在 IBM 大中华区打印系统公司、IBM 亚太区保健业方案业务拓展部以及 IBM 韩国公司等担任管理要职。
“A rare senior executive...he is an ideal candidate to lead Dell China’s business to a higher level.” Dell’s headquarters made the above evaluation when it announced the appointment of Li Xiushu. Li Xiushu just took over the Dell India China region on May 1, 2000, becoming the world leader in computer system straight-line orderers and major suppliers of Internet infrastructure to expand the Chinese market. Previously, he was Vice President and General Manager of China in Xerox Corporation, and also worked at IBM for 20 years. He worked at IBM Greater China Printing Systems, IBM Asia Pacific Healthcare Solutions Business Development, and IBM Korea. And other senior management positions.