
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的:掌握武汉市儿童血铅值水平变化趋势及与日常行为习惯的关系,制定降低儿童血铅水平的干预措施。方法:分层随机抽取2个城区的2条街道、6所不同等级幼儿园所有0~6岁在园儿童作为研究对象。对儿童母亲进行问卷并填写调查表,采集儿童手指血,用钨舟原子吸收光谱仪测定血铅值。结果:共调查8 182名儿童,儿童铅中毒发生率为0.27%,高铅血症率为6.97%,男童发生率明显高于女童(P<0.001),不同年龄儿童血铅水平有统计学差异(P<0.001),其中2岁组儿童血铅值最高。常玩铝铁制品类玩具、彩色水粉、无线电遥控玩具是儿童高铅血症和铅中毒的危险因素;而常使用肥皂和洗手液是保护因素。多因素逐步回归分析筛选影响血铅值的因素是常玩玩具、使用肥皂或洗手液、啃手指甲的频数。结论:环境干预、健康教育、生活行为习惯改变是我国现阶段儿童铅中毒防治工作中重要手段,培养儿童养成良好的日常行为习惯是最经济、最值得广泛推广和可行的干预措施。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the trend of children’s blood lead levels and their relationship with daily behaviors in Wuhan, and to develop interventions to reduce blood lead levels in children. Methods: Two streets in two urban areas were randomly selected from stratification, and all the children aged 0 ~ 6 years in six different grades of kindergartens were enrolled in the study. Questionnaires were made on children’s mothers and questionnaires were filled in. Finger blood of children was collected and blood lead levels were measured by Tungsten-boat atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: A total of 8 182 children were investigated. The incidence of lead poisoning in children was 0.27%, the rate of high blood lead was 6.97%, the incidence of boys was significantly higher than that of girls (P <0.001), and the blood lead levels of children of different ages were statistically (P <0.001), of which 2-year-old children had the highest blood lead levels. Frequently play with aluminum products toys, color gouache, radio remote control toys are children with high blood lead and lead poisoning risk factors; and often use soap and hand sanitizer is a protective factor. Multi-factorial stepwise regression analysis The factors that influence blood lead levels are the frequency of playing toys, using soap or hand sanitizer, and nibbling fingernails. Conclusion: The changes of environmental intervention, health education and lifestyle behaviors are important measures in prevention and control of childhood lead poisoning in our country. It is the most economical and worthy to widely promote and practicable interventions to cultivate children’s good daily habits.
ERTMS:3月份,比利时铁路运营商Infrabel公司在布鲁塞尔主办了第12届ERTMS世界大会。国际铁路联盟(U I C)总干事让?皮埃尔?卢比努在其开幕词中指出“列车控制是不够的”。他认为未
摘 要:刺槐又名洋槐,是树皮灰褐色至黑褐色,浅裂至深纵裂,稀光滑的落叶乔木属性植物,是我国用于固沙保土的常见树种。除此之外,刺槐还具有极大的药用价值、使用价值和园林价值。因此,本文对刺槐的栽培技术及应用展开讨论,从而为关注这一话题的人们提供参考。  关键词:刺槐;栽培技术;应用  伴随着刺槐的成功引种,刺槐为我国的防沙造林和城市绿化做出了巨大贡献,尤其在立地条件差、环境污染严重的地区,刺槐已经成为