我十岁丧母,加上其他原因,只读了四年半小学。刚入伍时,信都不会写,更谈不上读书看报了。 参军几年以后,虽说我经过努力能看书读报,能写一般的文字材料,而且当上了营级干部,但我深知,凭我这点“墨水”,离形势发展的要求相差太远。我必须自找苦吃,发愤学习。我制订了补习文化基础知识和练习书法的计划。开始做以前没有想过也不敢想的“梦”。 我所在的部队驻扎在边防第一线,任务重,条件差。当时连一本字帖都找不到。我没有因此而打退堂鼓。没有时间,我就中午不休息,晚上推迟到十二点以后才上床。星期天节假日也多用在学习上。没有
I was 10 years old and lost my mother’s life. For other reasons, I only read 4 and a half years of primary school. Just enlisted, the letter will not write, let alone reading newspapers read. After joining the army for several years, though I tried my best to read newspapers and newspapers, wrote general written materials and became a battalion-level cadre, I know very well that with my “ink”, it is far from the requirement of the development of the situation . I have to find myself hard to eat, angry study. I have developed a plan of basic knowledge of tutoring culture and practicing calligraphy. I started to do “dreams” that I had never thought of before. My troops stationed in frontier defense, heavy tasks, poor conditions. At that time, even a copybook could not be found. I did not give up. No time, I do not rest at noon, postponed until 12 o’clock in the evening to go to bed. Sundays and holidays are also used in learning. No