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邓华上将为中国人民的革命事业和新中国国防与军队建设事业做出了卓越贡献。土地革命战争时期,他曾任红军连党代表,教导队、团、师政治委员等职,参加了中央苏区历次反“围剿”作战和长征。抗日战争时期,他曾任八路军团政训处主任,团、军分区、纵队政治委员等职,参加了包括平型关战役、百团大战在内的敌后抗日游击战争。解放战争中,他曾任辽西军区司令员、军长,纵队、兵团司令员等职,率部从白山黑水一直打到天涯海角。抗美援朝战争中,他曾任兵团司令员、志愿军副司令员兼副政治委员、志愿军代理司令员兼政治委员等职,协助彭德怀指挥作战。抗美援朝战争结束后,他曾任东北军区第一副司令员、人民解放军副总参谋长兼沈阳军区司令员、军事科学院副院长等职。在中国革命战争和国防与军队建设事业中,邓华表现了高超的军事指挥才能、光明磊落的政治品格和清正廉洁的高尚情操。 General Deng Hua made outstanding contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people and the cause of building China’s national defense and the army. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he was a member of the Red Army even the Party, teaching team, regiment and political commissar. He participated in various combat operations and the Long March in the Central Soviet Area. During the war of resistance against Japan, he served as director of the Eighth Route Army Corps of Political Department, regiment, army sub-district, political commissar of the column and other staff, participated in the anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare, including peace and customs, Hundred Regiments of War. During the war of liberation, he served as Commander, Chief, Column and Corps Commander of the Liaodong Military Region. He led the unit from the White Mountains to the ends of the earth. In the War to Resist the United States and North Korea, he served as commander in chief of the Corps of Corps, deputy commander and deputy political commissar of the volunteer army, acting commander and political commissar of the volunteer army, and assisted Peng Dehuai in conducting operations. After the War to Resist the United States and North Korea, he served as the first deputy commander of the Northeast Military Region, deputy commander of the PLA General Staff and Shenyang Military Region, and vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences. During the Chinese revolutionary war and the cause of national defense and army building, Deng Hua demonstrated outstanding military commanding ability, a smooth and upright political character and a clean and honest noble sentiment.
目的分析癌结节与胃癌临床病理特征的关系,评价其在胃癌分期和预后中的价值。方法收集2011年11月到2012年12月解放军总医院收治的388例胃腺癌患者临床病理资料进行回顾性队列研究。采用χ2检验和Fisher精确概率法分析癌结节状态与其他临床病理资料的关系,采用Kaplan-Meier法绘制生存曲线,分别采用Log-rank检验和Cox回归模型进行单因素和多因素分析癌结节与患者预后的关系。结果 3
本刊讯(记者 肖莉)由中国城市科学研究会、中国城镇供水排水协会及广州市人民政府联合主办的“第十一届中国城镇水务发展国际研讨会与新技术设备博览会”于2016年12月8—9日
1 .在种完白菜、萝卜的坑上面 ,浇少量的敌百虫水 ;2 .播种前用锅底灰与白菜籽、萝卜籽搅拌 ;3.下种时 ,每埯施入一汤匙炕洞油子土白菜、萝卜生蛆防治3招!154007$黑龙江省佳