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在我国古代便有节食能长寿的论述。孔子主张“食勿求饱”;《管子》也记载:“饮食节,则身利而寿命益;饮食不节,则形累而寿命损。”唐代的医学家孙思邈在《千金要方》中写道:“不欲极饥而食,食不过饱;不欲极渴而饮,饮不可过多。饱食过多,则结积聚;渴饮过多,则成痰癖。”梁代医学家陶弘景在《养生延命录》中说得十分明确:“所食愈少,心愈开,年愈益;所食愈多,心愈塞,年愈损焉。”《老老恒言》中指出:凡食总以少为有益, In ancient China, there will be discussion of diet can longevity. Confucius advocated “the tube ” also records: “diet section, then benefit and life expectancy benefit; diet section, the shape tired and loss of life. ” Tang Dynasty physician Sun Simiao in the “ Daughter wrote: ”Do not want extreme hunger and food, food is too full; do not want to drink very much, too much to drink. Satiety, end accumulation; thirsty too much, then into sputum Addicted. “Tao Hongjing, a physician of the Liang dynasty, made it very clear in his article entitled” Enjoying Life, “that” the fewer you eat, the more you become seized, the more you become. The more you eat, the more you feel, the more you become sick. “ ”The old man said in constant": always eat less beneficial,
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