The “Contemporary Lao People,” one of a series of books on contemporary Southeast Asia published by the People’s Publishing House of Shen Wu and published by the People’s Publishing House of Shen Shu, includes “Laos’s National Conditions”, “Compilation and Practical Guide to Laws and Regulations” and “Socio-Economic Statistical Data” In the next three series, a total of 42 words. On the “Lao national conditions” in Lao introduced the natural geography, administrative divisions and major cities and towns, ethnic and religious, historical, political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural, health, education, etc .; in compilation of laws and regulations compilation and practical guide “Introduced the main laws of Laos country, the main government resolutions and regulations, as well as the major government agencies, foreign agencies in Laos and enterprises and institutions name, address, telephone and travel to Laos Notes; the next” socio-economic statistics "tabulated Statistics on various fields of national economy in Laos in recent years.