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先要声明,此处的足球话题,仅指中国男足,特别是中国国家队。中国体坛的阴盛阳衰非止一日,而足球尤为突出,故有“铿锵玫瑰”美称的中国女足,不在议论的范围,以免横生歧义。强队和强国打进2002年韩日世界杯决赛圈的32支队伍,无疑都有实力,概可称为足球强队。但话又要说回来,虽同为强队,仍有强弱之分。从世界足球水平看,欧洲、南美为第一档,非洲、中北美为第二档,亚洲与大洋洲球队只能列为第三档。也就是说,包括中国队在内的四支亚洲球队,在32强中大抵位居末座。不能因为打进了世界杯决赛,亚洲球队、尤其是中国队,就可以世界强队自居。从本次抽签许多 First to declare that the football topic here refers only to Chinese men’s football, especially the Chinese national team. Chinese sports yin yang bad day, but football is particularly prominent, it is “sigh rose ” reputation of the Chinese women’s football, not in the scope of argument, so as not to be misconduct. Strong teams and powerful countries scored in 2002 South Korea Japan World Cup finals of the 32 teams, no doubt have strength, can be called a football team. But then again, although strong teams, there are still strengths and weaknesses. From the perspective of world football, Europe, South America as the first tranche, Africa, North America and the United States for the second tranche, Asia and Oceania team can only be classified as the third tranche. In other words, including the Chinese team, including four Asian teams, probably in the top 32 in the last place. Can not because of scored the World Cup finals, the Asian team, especially the Chinese team, can the world’s strong team itself. Lottery from this lot
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