从奚祖强先生手中接过名片肘,正好英文的那面朝上,仔细看了看他的职务和任职部门,“Channel Operation”跃入眼帘,脑子里马上反映出“渠道”二字。翻过名片,才知道思科公司称之为“合作伙伴事业部”,奚祖强先生兼任总经理。 与其他许多公司称代理商、分销商为“渠道”不同,思科公司称“合作伙伴”,这仅仅是字面的不同,还是另有其义?思科公司在1999财政年度保持高速增长的态势,而目前的市场销售主要是由代理商最终形成的,那么,在对待“渠道”(或“合作伙伴”)方面,又有什么高招?
Mr. Zhai Zuqiang took over the business card elbow, and the English side was facing up. After carefully examining his position and office, “Channel Operation” jumped in and his mind immediately reflected the word “channel”. After turning over the business card, I learned that Cisco had called it the “Partner Division,” and Mr. Zhai Zuqiang served as the general manager. Unlike many other companies who say that agents and distributors are different from each other as “channels,” Cisco calls “partners.” Is this just a literal difference, or does it mean otherwise? Cisco Systems maintained a high-speed growth trend in fiscal year 1999. The current market sales are mainly formed by agents. Then, what are the other advantages in dealing with “channels” (or “partners”)?