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  Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes
  Sherlock Holmes(夏洛克•福尔摩斯), the greatest of all fictional detectives(虚构的侦探)was the creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle(英作家柯南•道尔)(1859—1930),who published 60 stories about him,including three full-length novels. The character(角色)was in part suggested by that of Dr Joseph Bell,an eminent(有名的)Edinburgh surgeon(外科医生),under whom Conan Doyle studied medicine. The author’s experience as a doctor also gave him the necessary background for the creation of Dr Watson,the supposed narrator(讲述者) of the Holmes stories,who served as a foil(陪衬)for the great detective and became almost as famous as his companion(同伴).
  Sherlock Holmes arrived at his solutions by acute(敏锐的)observation and brilliant reasoning. His first case was A Study in Scarlet(《红字的研究》),a full-length novel.
  But it was not until short stories began to appear regularly in the Strand Magazine(《海滨杂志》)that he and his creator became famous. After the stories had been collected in two books,Conan Doyle became tired of his hero(厌倦所塑造的主人公)and arranged a suitably heroic death for him in a struggle with his great enemy Moriarty. However, the public refused to accept that Holmes’ life really ended in that struggle, so the detective was resurrected(复活), and Conan Doyle continued to write about him until his own death.
  Apart from Holmes, Conan Doyle wrote other fine stories, including The Lost World, The White Company and The Prison Belt. He was also the author of a History of Spiritualism, and histories of the South African War and the British campaigns(战役)on the Western Front in the First World War.
  He Knows a Little English
  In pre-Hitler days(希特勒统治前的日子),in Berlin, Erich Maria Remarque(德小说家雷马克),the author of All Quiet on the Western Front(《西线无战事》)(描写一战最著名的作品)was talking to an American girl.
  The American, speaking in German, asked Remarque why he had never visited the United States. His answer was that he knew only a few sentences in English.
  “What are the sentences?”inquired the girl.
  “Whereupon(于是),”Remarque, speaking slowly in somewhat guttural(难听的)English said:“How do you do?I love you. Forgive(原谅)me. Forget me. Ham(火腿)and eggs, please.”
  “Sakes alive(天呀)!”ejaculated(突然说)the American girl.“Why, with that vocabulary you could tour my country from Maine to California.”
科学探究过程包括的七个要素有:提出问题、猜想和假设、制订计划与设计实验、进行实验与收集证据、评估、交流和合作。其中制订计划与设计实验是重点,也是中考的主要考点。在制订计划与设计实验的过程中,必须结合具体探究内容采用科学的物理分析方法,例如控制变量法、等效替代法、模型法、实验推理法、转换法、图象法、统计法等 。      一、学会猜想和提问    例1 物理课后,小南和小雄将一块铜片和一块锌片插入西
题目: 阅读材料,解答问题.  用图象法解一元二次不等式:x2-2x-3>0.  解:设y=x2-2x-3,则y是x的二次函数.  Q=1>0,∴抛物线开口向上.  又Q当y=0时,x2-2x-3=0,解得x=-1,x=3.  ∴由此得抛物线y=x2-2x-3的大致图象如图1所示.  观察函数图象可知:当x3时,y>0.  ∴x2-2x-3>0的解集是:x3.  (1)观察图象,直接写出一元二次不
中国在航天领域取得了一次又一次令人瞩目的成就。2008年9月25日,由我国自行研制的第三艘载人飞船“神舟七号”顺利升空,实施了中国航天员首次空间出舱活动,海内外炎黄子孙倍感骄傲和自豪!以“神七”问天为情境设置问题,也成为中考化学的一大热点。  一、飞船制造问题  例1 2008年9月28日17时36分,“神舟七号”载人飞船在内蒙古中部草原成功着陆。飞船在重返大气层时,由于同空气的剧烈摩擦,船体的表
近年来,有一种新型题进入了中考试题,即新定义运算规则的数学试题. 这类试题是课本中没有的,它不是用课本中的加、减、乘、除、乘方等运算法则为依据去解答,而是新规定一种运算规则,依据给出的新规则去解答. 这类面孔陌生的试题,同学们平时没见过或少有见过,当在考场上见到时,就以为是难题避而不做. 其实这类题也比较简单,解决这类题的关键是认真阅读题目,识别它的运算规则,只要读懂了运算规则,将这种规则转化为我
【考场真题】  阅读材料,按要求作文。  台湾漫画家蔡志忠说,如果拿橘子来比喻人生,一种橘子大而酸,一种橘子小而甜,一些人拿到大的就会抱怨酸,一些人拿到甜的就会抱怨小。而我拿到小的会庆幸它甜,拿到酸的会庆幸它大。其实,在我们的日常生活中,既有鲜花、荣誉和掌声,也有挫折、失败和逆境,对此,我们该如何面对?  请以《面对______》为题,写一篇作文,体裁不限,诗歌除外,不少于600字。    【写作
情 景  某地商场发生火灾,消防人员用高压水枪灭火,水在灭火中的主要作用是()。  A. 降低燃烧的着火点   B. 防止燃烧产物污染空气  C. 降低温度到燃烧物的着火点以下   D. 水分解出不能助燃的气体  本题研究的是灭火时水的作用,但主要还是考查同学们对燃烧条件的了解。我们知道,灭火往往与燃烧条件联系在一起,那么,我们能不能运用探究的方法来进一步掌握燃烧的条件呢?  提出问题  燃烧是生
唐玄宗三年,八十五岁高龄的贺知章打算告老还乡.  老先生啊  老学生精神这么好,学问那么高