实施三大战略 开拓两个市场

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我们鲁南机床厂是国家机床定点生产厂。近年来,按照以外促内、内外并举的经营策略,对内抓好产品质量的提高、产品结构的调整和产品成本的降低。对外抓住有利时机,不断开拓国内外两个市场。1996年,在全国机床工具行业连续三年负增长的情况下,我厂产销双过亿元,出口创汇600万美元,创历史最好成绩。 一、实施三大战略,巩固和扩大国内市场 为了适应国内市场由卖方市场向买方市场的转变。一是实施抓质量、创名牌战略。通过加强基础管理,健全质量管理制度,完善质量管理体系,提高产品的实物质量。目前,“T”牌系列车床和电动工具获得国内贸易部颁发的《名牌产品推荐证书》、国家技术监督局及中国保护消费者基金会颁发的《名牌产品推荐证书》和中国名牌事业发展评价中心颁发的《名牌标志使用许可证》及《市场无投诉产品证书》。“T”牌LC360A马鞍车床及CL6132卧式车床被国家机床质量检测中心确立为一等品。二是实施科技兴厂战略,围绕市场调整产品结构,贴紧市场搞开发。完善和落实科技工作责任制,鼓励科技人员通过学习提高自身素质,勇于创新,主动承担技术 We Lunan Machine Tool Plant is a national machine tool fixed-point production plant. In recent years, in accordance with the business strategy of promoting internal and external cooperation, internal control of product quality, adjustment of product structure, and reduction of product cost have been achieved. To seize the favorable opportunity to the outside world, and constantly open up two markets at home and abroad. In 1996, under the negative growth of the national machine tool industry for three consecutive years, our factory produced and sold double over 100 million yuan, and earned foreign exchange through exports of 6 million US dollars, setting a record for the best in history. First, the implementation of the three major strategies to consolidate and expand the domestic market In order to adapt to the domestic market from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market. The first is to implement the strategy of grasping quality and creating brand names. Through strengthening basic management, improving the quality management system, improving the quality management system and improving the physical quality of products. At present, the “T” brand series of lathes and power tools have been awarded the “Name Brand Product Recommendation Certificate” by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, the “Name Brand Product Recommendation Certificate” issued by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision and the China Consumer Protection Foundation, and the China Top Brand Development Evaluation Center. The “Licensing Signs Use Permit” and “No Market Complaint Products Certificate” issued. The “T” brand LC360A saddle lathe and CL6132 horizontal lathe were established as first-class products by the National Machine Tool Quality Inspection Center. The second is to implement the strategy of developing factories by science and technology, adjust the product structure around the market, and closely follow the market for development. Improve and implement the responsibility system for scientific and technological work, encourage scientific and technological personnel to improve their own quality through study, be bold in innovation, and take the initiative to assume technology
由于近期在欧洲举办的布料展销会上麻质布料“亮相”增加,纺织业人士认为,布料生产厂和制衣业应关注这一动向,准备沉寂多年的麻质布料重新流行起来。 Due to the recent in