Effect of bax,bcl-2 and bcl-xL on regulating apoptosis in tissues of normal liver and hepatocellular

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwk000
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AIM:To investigate the expression of bax,bcl-2 and bcl-xLmRNA in the tissues of normal liver and hepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC),and analyze the relationship between theexpression of bax,bcl-2 and bcl-xl mRNA and clinicalparameters of HCC patients.METHODS:The expression of bax,bcl-2 and bcl-xL mRNAof normal liver and HCC was measured by Northern blot.Statistical analyses were made by t test and correlationanalysis.RESULTS:A very low mRNA level was indicated at bax,bcl-2 and bcl-xL in the HCC tissues in contrast to the tissuesof normal liver by Northern blot analysis.The analyses ofmRNA level revealed that HCC tissues exhibited a mean7.6-fold decrease in bax,4.2-fold in bcl-2 and 3.5-fold inbcl-xL in comparison with normal control tissues,respectively.Positive correlation was found between bax and bcl-xL(r=0.7061,P<0.01).There was no significance between themRNA expression of these three genes and age,gender,tumor differentiation and tumor stage of HCC patients.CONCLUSION:The results are consistent with the fact thatapoptosis rarely occurs in normal livers but increases in HCC,indicating that bcl-2 and bcl-xL may play a very importantrole in regulating the apoptosis of normal liver and HCC. AIM: To investigate the expression of bax, bcl-2 and bcl-xLmRNA in the tissues of normal liver and hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC), and analyze the relationship between the expression of bax, bcl-2 and bcl-xl mRNA and clinical parameters of HCC patients .METHODS:The expression of bax,bcl-2 and bcl-xL mRNAof normal liver and HCC was measured by Northern blot.Statistical analyses were made by test and correlationanalysis.RESULTS: A very low mRNA level was indicated at bax,bcl- 2 and bcl-xL in the HCC tissues in contrast to the tissuesof normal liver by Northern blot analysis.The analyses of mRNA level revealed that HCC tissues exhibited a mean7.6-fold decrease in bax,4.2-fold in bcl-2 and 3.5- Fold inbcl-xL in comparison with normal control tissues,respectively.Positive correlation was found between bax and bcl-xL(r=0.7061,P<0.01).There was no significance between the mRNA expression of these three genes and age,gender,tumor Differentiation and tumor stage of HCC patients.CONCLUSION:The results are c Onsistent with the fact thatapoptosis rarely occurs in normal livers but increases in HCC,indicating that bcl-2 and bcl-xL may play a very importantrole in regulating the apoptosis of normal liver and HCC.
1 病例报告患者男,47岁。因左上腹挫伤伴腹痛、腹胀30天于2000—10—16入院。30天前扛麻袋时不慎挫伤左上腹,出现左上腹剧痛,约半小时减轻,仍存有隐痛。4天后去某县医院就诊
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