
来源 :沈阳部队医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxg19841130
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1 病例报告患者男,47岁。因左上腹挫伤伴腹痛、腹胀30天于2000—10—16入院。30天前扛麻袋时不慎挫伤左上腹,出现左上腹剧痛,约半小时减轻,仍存有隐痛。4天后去某县医院就诊,B超提示脾破裂,腹腔积血。给腹穿抽血2次,共1200 ml。腹痛,腹胀好转。住院7天, 1 case report patient male, 47 years old. He was admitted to the hospital from 2000 to 10-16 due to upper abdominal contusion with abdominal pain and abdominal distension for 30 days. 30 days ago the sacks accidentally bruised the left upper abdomen, causing severe pain in the left upper quadrant, which was relieved in about half an hour. There was still pain. After 4 days, she went to a county hospital for treatment. B-ultrasound indicated splenic rupture and hemoperitoneum. He was bled 2 times for a total of 1200 ml. Abdominal pain, abdominal distension improved. 7 days in hospital
AIM:To demonstrate that mitochondrial morphological andfunctional changes are an important intermediate link in thecourse of apoptosis in esophageal carcinoma
AIM:To explore dysregulation of cyclin E in malignancies,and to further investigate the role of cyclin E in Helicobacterpylori(H.pylori)-induced gastric precan
AIM:To investigate the effects of vitamin E succinate(VES)on the expression of c-jun gene and protein in human gastriccancer SGC-7901 cells.METHODS:After SGC-7
AIM:To study the effect of angiogenesis inhibitor TNP-470on peritoneal dissemination of colon cancer in nude mice.METHODS:The MTT assay was used to evaluate th
<正> 弗朗索瓦·努里西耶: 不要急于求成。也不要懒散懈怠。十八岁,太早;三十五岁,太晚。如何选择步入文坛的时机呢?当欲望难以抑止的时候,也许时机就会来到。或者,说得更为确切一点;当你觉得自己有能力选择素材,不会把一切东西都写进第一本书里去,不会只谈你自己的时候;当你发现自己除了肚脐眼之外,还有头脑、情感和记忆力的时候;当你开始注视和留意周围广阔世界的时候。