A Comparison of Fractal Dimensions of EEG Time Series of Partial Epilepsy

来源 :Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengpengice
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In order to develop a new diagnostic method for partial epilepsy using fractaldimension measurement of theory of nonlinear dynamics, two kinds of EEG fractaldimensions (correlation dimension Dc and wave form dimension Dw) were calculatedand compared. It was observed that most of the EEG fractal dimension values of Dcand Dw at the epileptic electrodes were smaller than those at the non-epilepticelectrodes. The results showed that the fractal dimension could be a special parameterto diagnose epilepsy diseases and are worthy to study further. In order to develop a new diagnostic method for partial epilepsy using fractal dimension measurement of theory of nonlinear dynamics, two kinds of EEG fractal dimensions (correlation dimension Dc and wave form dimension Dw) were calculated and compared. It was observed that most of the EEG fractal dimension values of Dcand Dw at the epileptic electrodes were smaller than those at the non-epilepticelectrodes. The results showed that the fractal dimension could be a special parameterto diagnose epilepsy diseases and are worthy to study further.
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