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《中华人民共和国水法》已由六届全国人大常委会第二十四次会议通过。这部《水法》是我国对水资源进行法制管理的第一部基本法。它根据我国国情,把党和国家关于水资源管理的方针,政策和多年来的实践经验,用法律的形式固定下来。《水法》的颁布为全面治水提供了法律依据,《水法》的贯彻实施,对进一步合理开发利用和保护水资源,兴利除害,充分发挥水资源综合效益必将起着重要作用。 The Water Law of the People’s Republic of China has been adopted at the 24th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People’s Congress. This “Water Law” is the first basic law governing the legal system of water resources in our country. According to China’s national conditions, it has fixed the principles and policies on water resources management and the practical experience gained over the years by the party and the state in the form of laws. The promulgation of the “Water Law” provides the legal basis for a comprehensive water control. The implementation of the “Water Law” will play an important role in further rationalizing the development and utilization of water resources, in developing benefits and removing harmful effects and in bringing the comprehensive benefits of water resources into full play.
在此之前,笔者曾对山东 江苏、湖北、广东、广西五省区60余家专用汽车生产厂家、大用户单位进行了实地调研,同时还走访了国家信息中心、中汽专用汽车有限公司、中国汽车销售
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Duri油田第一个大型蒸汽驱项目:Duri l区在历经14年的蒸汽注入开发后,其采收率已达64%。但目前的蒸汽注入量已下滑到维持生产的水平上,而此前该区所注蒸汽均是用于开发新油区
This paper presents a preliminary summary of the applied sequence stratigraphy in nonmarine basins in China. The geological and geophysical data show that the n
尽管天然气管线发生应力腐蚀开裂的机率很小 ,但考虑到管线水压试验、检测、修复及替换的影响 ,处理这一潜在的风险必然花费巨大。现已有部分应力腐蚀开裂模型用于预测其发生