
来源 :机械工程师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinlh
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调整服务方向,扩大服务领域,是机械工业进行调整的重要内容之一,我省机械工业在这方面有了明显的进展。一是围绕充分发挥我省自然资源优势,研制成功了亚麻纺织机械(齐齐哈尔第二机床厂)、制糖设备(哈尔滨制氧机厂);二是按照结构相似,工艺相近的原则,研制成功了为轻纺工业技术改造服务的自行车、缝纫机零件自动冷镦机(齐齐哈尔第二机床厂);三是为农牧业机械化、现代化研制成功了新式谷物联合播种机(哈尔滨农业机械厂)、重型悬挂犁、翻转犁(黑龙江省农业机械厂)、拣拾压垛机、圆草捆运输机(齐齐哈尔农牧车辆制造总厂)和为农业科研急需研制成功的短缺设备种子干燥箱、种子清选机(哈尔滨理化仪器厂)。但是必须看到,我省机械工业在扩大服务领域方面,仅仅取得了一些初步成绩,需要开发的范围还很广。今后,我们要重点围绕我省“五个基地”的建设,充分发挥我省自然资源的优势,按照“结构相似、工艺相近”的原则,积极研制新的技术装备和专用设备。除了上面提到的新产品外,还要努力研制木材综合利用成套设备、食品加工机械、采金设备、节能设备、包装机械、土特产加工机械以及煤炭、电力、石油化工、建筑与交通运输机械等。此外,还有环境保护、综合利用、文化娱乐、医疗卫生等方面的技术装备。并且要尽量做到成套生产,成套供应,以便更好地满足我省各行各业和人民生活的需要。 Adjusting the direction of services and expanding service areas is one of the important contents of the adjustment of the machinery industry. The machinery industry of our province has made remarkable progress in this regard. First, based on giving full play to the advantages of natural resources in our province, we have successfully developed linen textile machinery (Qiqihar No. 2 Machine Tool Plant) and sugar making equipment (Harbin Oxygen Making Machine Factory). Second, we have successfully developed the principle of similar structures and similar technologies. Automated cold heading machine for bicycles and sewing machines for technical transformation of textile industry (Qiqihar No.2 Machine Tool Plant); thirdly, a new type of grain combine planter (Harbin Agricultural Machinery Plant) and heavy-duty suspension have been successfully developed for the mechanization and modernization of agriculture and animal husbandry. Plows, flip ploughs (Heilongjiang Agricultural Machinery Plant), pick-up tamping machines, round bale transporters (Qiqihar Agricultural and Husbandry Vehicle Manufactory), and shortage equipment seed drying ovens and seed sifters that are urgently needed for agricultural scientific research Harbin Physical and Chemical Instrument Factory). However, it must be noted that the province’s machinery industry has only achieved some initial results in expanding the service sector, and it needs to develop a wide range. In the future, we must focus on the construction of our province’s “five bases,” give full play to the advantages of our province’s natural resources, and actively develop new technical equipment and special equipment according to the principle of “similar structure and similar technology.” In addition to the new products mentioned above, we must also endeavor to develop comprehensive equipment for wood utilization, food processing machinery, gold mining equipment, energy-saving equipment, packaging machinery, local specialty products processing machinery, and coal, electricity, petrochemical, construction and transportation machinery. Wait. In addition, there are technical equipment for environmental protection, comprehensive utilization, culture and entertainment, and health care. And we must try our best to complete production and complete supply in order to better meet the needs of all walks of life and people in our province.
①过去存在的问题 车间的管理人员在谈到生产问题11%总感到有这些问题: 1、产量提不高(强调设备不行) 9、质量不稳定,废品率忽高忽低。 3、因工序衔接不上影响下道工序停工。
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一总则 1.为了提高产品质量,保证技术检查条例严格地执行,防止滥用废品。特制订废品处理办法(以下简称本办法); 2.木办法 所称废品,系指产品另件在生产过程中予不合规定公差
煤矿工业建设,既需要较多的投资,又需要较长的时间,一个中型矿井由探勘至达到设计产量,一般说要六年到八年的时 The construction of coal mining industry requires more
机器制造厂中心实验室由五个基本部所组 成:化学、金相、热处理、铸造及附有制造样品 机械工场的机械试验部。工厂实验室的业务,按 照以下三个基本方向进行: 1)入厂材料检查;
东北机械工业在高岗主席增产节约的号召和鼓舞下面,两三年来已经有了很大的进步。这些进步表现在各方面: 首先是机械工业生产总值提高了。机械工业的总产值如果以1949年为基