A probe into the blended teaching and evaluation model of college English

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  Summary:With the increasing abundance of online learning resources,such as micro-class and MOOC,college English Teachers Try to practice blended college English teaching based on online resources,and have achieved some success.Based on the current situation of college English blended teaching and evaluation,the course "understanding IELTS:English Language Test Skills"(hereinafter referred to as "understanding IELTS")is selected as a case study,this paper analyzes the advantages of blended teaching from four aspects of curriculum resources,implementation interaction,learning support service and learning evaluation,and probes into an effective mode of college English blended teaching and evaluation.
  Key Words:College English;Blended Instruction;instruction evaluation
  Driven by advanced information technology,online education resources become increasingly rich,Moke,micro-class and a large number of high-efficiency,high-quality courses have mushroomed.Relying on advanced technology,these courses have been widely used in teaching,and a large number of new teaching models have emerged,such as “flipped classroom”,“cloud classroom” and “rain classroom”.These teaching models are all new models of blended teaching and are expected to become the mainstream direction of education.In recent years,the government has also issued a number of documents and policies to encourage teachers to engage in blended learning based on online courses.By analyzing the advantages of the course “understanding IELTS” from the following four aspects:curriculum resources,implementation interaction,learning support service and learning evaluation,this paper explores the model of college English blended teaching and evaluation,help to deepen the reform of college English teaching.Since the 21st century,with the development of information technology and the popularization of Internet,online learning has developed rapidly.The reform of college English teaching in China has focused on the promotion of information technology and the cultivation of listening and speaking ability,focusing on “what to teach” and “how to teach”,using modern information technology to try new teaching mode,the quality of college English teaching in China has been improved obviously.Information Technology has brought about the renewal of college English teaching ideas and teaching methods.In recent years,college English teaching in China has been trying to find out more advanced teaching ideas and methods,but teaching evaluation is still in a more traditional stage. However,the formative assessment of many colleges and universities is too single,and the formative assessment of students mostly stays at the level of academic assessment,such as unit assessment,mid-term assessment and final assessment.Taking the university where the author lives as an example,the formative assessment of college English courses accounts for 60%,and the final assessment(the final examination)accounts for 40%.In 60% of the formative assessment,attendance and classroom performance accounted for 12%,homework and self-study accounted for 24%,oral or other tests,unit tests,midterm tests accounted for 6%,6%,12% respectively.In other words,in the formative assessment and summative assessment,the proportion of various tests exceeds 60%,which shows that the school’s teaching assessment system is still based mainly on quantitative test results,and the evaluation system is relatively single,there is not a lot of investigation on students’learning accomplishment,innovative consciousness and practical ability.Obviously,this single teaching evaluation model can not meet the new media mobile learning of college English blended teaching.   Teaching evaluation is a key link in teaching design,which emphasizes teaching objectives as the main reference object. According to Brumm’s theory of teaching classification goals,the overall goals to be achieved in teaching include three areas:cognitive,emotional and psychomotor,you need to set a range of goals from low to high.This model,based on Brumm’s teaching classification goal theory,Divides College English blended teaching goals into cognitive goals,skill goals and affective goals,which constitute the core literacy of college English learners,throughout the semester.In the mixed teaching based on Mooc,when evaluating the course of college English,we need to quantify each of these core qualities one by one,and use specific evaluation items and methods to form a complete teaching design,reflect the diversity of the evaluation system.Based on the above evaluation system,college English teachers can not only control their own teaching process,understand the effect of each link of teaching,adjust the teaching design in time,it can also understand the students’learning state,urge and encourage students participation in learning,and keep students’interest and enthusiasm in learning.With the rapid development of information technology,college English teachers should make full use of Internet information technology to design evaluation dimensions and methods suitable to each link in teaching activities,to ensure the efficiency and quality of college English blended teaching,comprehensive and objective assessment of learners’learning performance at various stages should be carried out.
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摘 要:城乡结合部的初中生家庭教育处于尴尬的境地,在初中生教育指导方面存着诸多问题,包括家长教育观念不正确、教育方法不得当等,给初中生的学习与生活带来了一定的影响。因此应充分做好城乡结合部初中生家庭教育面临的问题分析,从中寻找具体的解决对策,从而提升初中生家庭教育的质量。  关键词:城乡結合部;初中生家庭教育;问题对策  城乡结合部的初中生面临着复杂的外部环境,学生在学习积极性、学习态度、学习能力
摘 要:通过问卷调查以及心理测量的方法,探究家庭体育环境与中小学生心理健康的相关性,揭示家庭体育环境对中小学生心理健康的影响程度。结果表明:家庭体育行为环境与躯体化(r=0.424,P<0.05)、抑郁(r=0.457,P<0.05)、焦虑(r=0.372,P<0.05)存在正相关;家庭体育物理环境与躯体化(r=0.451,P<0.05)存在正相关;家庭体育心理环境与抑郁(r=0.347,P<0.
摘 要:职业教学与普通教育教学工作存在很大差异,班级管理工作下对学生进行德育教学,更能够提升学生综合素质水平,有助于职业教学工作的顺利开展。下面文章就对班级管理下德育教学工作展开探讨。  关键词:班级管理;德育教学;职业教学;德育管理  效率低、成绩不理想、学生不善于思考都是传统教育中最常出现的教育问题,这一问题不利于教育事业的长久发展。对此,中职教师在讲授的课程中不仅要加强对知识理论的加强,还要
摘 要:方程是根据各个天平的状态,写出等式或不等式,在相等与不等的比较中,学生进一步体会等式的含义,同时培养学生观察比较,归纳概括和创新能力,有助于学生解决生活中的实际问题,切身感受数学的价值。对于学生来说是一堂全新的数学概念课,也是数学思维的一种提升。本文将对方程的意义在教学设计中的应用做细致的分析和思考,希望对教师在实际教学中有一些帮助和引导。  关键词:方程;数学思维;优化  方程的意義是学
摘 要:多媒体已广泛应用于小学语文教学全过程,但如果过度使用,反而会影响教学效果。探讨科学合理使用多媒体成为当务之急。本文认为应主要将多媒体用在学生难以理解、掌握的教学点上,如课文的重难点教学、写作教学、诗歌教学等方面,并且通过列举实例演示如何应用多媒体。  关键词:多媒体;写作教学;诗歌教学  多媒体具有图、文、声、视频等并茂的特点,被教师们广泛运用于教学全过程,有效提升了教学效果。不过,部分教
Summary:As a new teaching model in recent years,the rollover classroom is implemented in the information environment to promote interaction and cooperation between teachers and students,modern teachin
摘 要:回顾陈鹤琴的教育家之路,树立献身教育的志向是其成为教育家的首要前提;丰富的教育经历为其理论的形成打下基础;良师益友的支持和帮助是其成功的外在助力;理论与实践相结合是其成为教育家的必要条件。  关键词:陈鹤琴;教育家  1988年12月30日,陈鹤琴先生逝世六周年之际,上海市万国公墓名人墓区举行陈鹤琴雕像墓碑揭墓仪式,墓碑上刻着陈鹤琴先生一生为之奋斗的九条宏愿和许德珩的题词:“为中华儿童尽瘁
摘 要:在解决问题中,线段图能完成由“数”问题向“形”直观的转化,再由“形”直观向“数”问题的过渡。学生掌握画线段图的步骤,能画线段图、用线段图輔佐分析数量关系,正确解决数学问题。形成有效的解题策略,提升学生学习数学的能力,发展学生的数学素养。  关键词:解决问题;画线段图;数量关系  线段图是学生解决问题时用于解读数学信息、分析数学问题的一种常规的辅佐工具。它是运用一定意义的线段、文字、数字符号
摘 要:教师要充分认识数学知识与方法在学生科学学习中的重要性,从不同的角度入手,带领学生探究科学知识的过程中,培养多种数学意识,促进良好学习习惯的培养与科学学习核心素养的提高。  关键词:小学科学;数学意识;数据整理;图像;人文情怀  《基础教育课程改革纲要》在课程改革的目标中提出:要改变课程结构过份重视学科本位、科目过多而缺乏有效整合的现状,要适应学生发展的需要,体现课程结构的综合性与均衡性。目
[摘 要]绘本教学是包括了艺术类、科学、社会等领域相互渗透的一种综合的教学,能够促进孩子多元化智能的提升,对智力障碍、孤独症等特殊儿童的发展具有独特的价值和意义。在绘本教学中,要注意选择合适的绘本教材,确定适合特殊儿童的学习目标,更要注重绘本教学的课程设计,特别是细节的设计,让孩子在绘本教学中快乐学习,有所收获。  [关键词]特殊儿童;资源班;绘本教学  一、绘本与特殊教育资源班绘本教学的价值  