
来源 :吉林农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoulei1964
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本文是圆锥与圆柱正交时,相贯线上难求的特殊点的投影求解方法。在“画法几何学”中,求两相交曲面立体相贯线的投影,首先要求出相贯线上特殊点的投影,对于圆锥与圆柱正交时,由于相贯线上特殊点有的难求,在目前国内出版的教材中,对难求的特点就不求找了,有的教材甚致是用错误的方法来求找。所以教师讲解此处内容,总是感到困难。近几年国内有些同志对此问题作了专门的研究。有的同志用图算结合的方法来求找,有的同志用作图法来求解。但是,要说明这些方法的正确性,需要进行复杂的数学推导来证明,给学生讲解起来很麻烦,并且课时也不允许。本文是采取学生所掌握的科学知识,用几句话就能讲清求解出相贯线上难求的特殊点的方法。 This paper is a projection method to solve the special point which is hard to find on the intersecting line when the cone and the cylinder are orthogonal. In “Geometry of Painting”, we need to find the projection of the special points on the intersecting lines for the projection of the three-dimensional intersecting lines of the intersecting surfaces. When the conic and the column are orthogonal, due to the special points on the intersecting lines Seeking, in the current domestic teaching materials, the characteristics of hard to find do not look for, and some teaching materials is very wrong way to find. Therefore, the teacher to explain the content here, always feel difficult. In recent years, some comrades in our country have made special studies on this issue. Some comrades use the method of calculation to find the way, and some comrades use it as a solution to the problem. However, to prove the correctness of these methods, complicated mathematical derivation is required to prove that it is troublesome to explain to students and that class hours are not allowed. This article is to take students to master the scientific knowledge, with a few words will be able to clarify the intersection of the line difficult to find a special way.
新生儿颅内出血是新生儿常见病,是新生儿早期死亡的原因之一。现将我科自1989.9~1994.9月间收治的42例颅内出血并低钙血症病例作一分析。 1 临床资料 Neonatal intracranial
鞋子不仅能体现出女性的品位和爱好,也透露出女性的婚恋心理。穿什么鞋或许暗示了你的爱情选择。  1.高跟鞋  2.运动休闲鞋  3.学生鞋  4.长/短靴  5.厚底前卫鞋  解析:  1.喜欢穿高跟鞋的女性:成熟大方,喜欢思考,头脑聪明。在生活及工作上都相当尽责与努力,对周围的人和事物要求较高,但是因为想要的东西太多,有时会因为无法满足而脾气不佳。与这样的女子交往,适合坦诚相对,如果你想要追求她,
目的:建立一种用手性流动相拆分并测定 DL-(±)蛋氨酸对映异构体的方法。方法:迪马公司 Dinmonsil C_(18)柱(4.6 mm×250mm,5μm),含有3 mmol·L~(-1)硫酸铜、6 mmol·L~(-1)
最近,我和大伟的关系有点紧张。  我们是大学同学,谈恋爱那会就有人说我们星座不合,我是霸气侧漏的狮子座,他是直来直去的白羊座,两人都是火暴脾气,一言不合,便会爆发战争。但那会儿爱情大过天,只要他稍微给点台阶,我也就顺坡下驴了,雨过天晴后反而更增加了爱的浓度,或许,这就是人们所说的,小吵怡情吧。  结婚后,我们很快有了女儿,两个人的浪漫小天地一下子受到了柴米油盐尿布哭声的袭击,让初为人父母的我们顿觉