The research ofvocanbulary teaching in ESL

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  【Abstract】These two periods ofthe primary school learningprocess and the junior school learning process become more and more important in English Teaching.
  【Key words】vocanbulary;teaching;words
  【中圖分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1001-4128(2010)05-0230-01
  Introduction : Vocanbulary is very important for foreign language learner. In the discussion of the relationship between words and strcuture, Wilkinss(1972) asserts, “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocanbulary nothing can be conveyed”. So I think it is needto discuss about vocanbularyteaching in ESL. Therefore, vocanbulary teaching plays a very important role in foreign language teaching, which is a onerous but arduous taskinthe learningprocess.
  1. Vocanbulary teaching is a very important course in the primary school learning process.
  It aims atmaking pupils put to use sentences by the understanding of large vocanbulary. Foreign language learner must memorize large vocanbulary but if someone wants to keep lots of words quickly, it’s not a easy question to solve. So I think it is even more difficult topupils remember the majority of words. Because almost all pupils are younger in our country. Their intelligence development is limited and will is not enough tough. In words, if you want them to understand the important significance of understanding and learning english better, it’s a difficult question. Therefore, we should take some effective and practical measures to teach them vocanbulary.
  2. English is used as the second language in our country
  If we want to master it very well.We must do our best to learn it. Vocanbulary is not only very important but also much difficult in the junior school learning process. The lexicologist McCarthy (1990) echoed the same message that no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how sucessfuly he masters the sounds of the second language, without words to express a wide range of meanings, comunication in that language can not happen in any meaningful way. The role of vocanbulary in comunication calls for continuing vocanbulary learning. So I’m sure that the junior students must do their best to understand and master large vocanbulary. These are several mistakes and good teaching methods of vocanbulary teaching in the junior school learning process.
  2.1 There are some mistakes in vocanbulary teaching in the bellow.
  2.1.1 Don’t tell apart main points from subordination..
  2.1.2 Just pay attention to explain unknown words without creating any linguistic context.
  2.1.3 Attach importance to conceptual meaning of words and don’t pay attention to connotative meaning.
  2.2 There are several good vocanbulary teaching methods in the beellow.
  2.2.1 Intuional method in vocanbulary teaching. Intution of language or intution of intrinsie language.It’s a technique by which English is used to help students directly comprehend the material being learned. Contracting on reoccurence of literal idea of vocanbulary, it helps to teach new words with word formation, to explain lexical meaning of words being learned by illustrating examples of synoyms and antonyms, to interpret difficult language points in English and infer implied meaning in contexts. Three points should be taken into consideraation while using this technique. First, we must make best use of sentences and pargraphs in a speech act. Secondly, we should use familiar words and expressions to interpret the unknown words. Situation simulating in vocanbulary teaching. Situtation, with partical characteristics of context, refers to a concrete scence or envioriment for communication.
  2.2.3 Sentences making in vocanbulary teaching. Technique of sentence making has been achieving great popularity as it is not only employed in writing, but in oral skill of daily classroom teaching activities.
  3. Conclusion
  In this paper we stared with discussions about vocanbulary teaching and learning. Many students devote large amounts of time and energy to the learning of vocanbulary, but they still complain that their vocanbulary size is not large enough or they cannot avoid forgetting. Generally speaking, there are two problems : One problem is that students treat vocanbulary items indiscriminately. Considering the large size of English vocanbulary, there is no wonder that students complain about their small vocanbulary size. Another problem is that many students learn vocanbulary in effevtive ways such as rote learning.So it is important to make students aware that not all words are equally important and taht effectives ways of vocanbulary learning help to reduce forgetting. Although much of the work of vocanbulary learning is the responsibility of the students, teachers’ guidance and help are invaluable. If teachers present new words effectively, it saves a lot of time and energy for consolidation. Besides, teachers’ work should also include helping students to develop vocanbulary building strategies.
【摘要】初中语文学科是初中阶段教育的基础,而课外阅读又是语文教学中的不可或缺的部分,且为重中之重。它的重要性除了体现在语文学习当中,更为至关重要的是它的德育教育功能,可以起到感化,培养学生心灵,达到育智育心的目的。然,近年来,在中学语文教学中,阅读始终都是学生语文学习的薄弱环节,且课内外的阅读不能满足学生需要,无论是质与量,因此对于学生来说,其阅读水平在整体来看是有所降低的。  【关键词】语文阅读
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