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就目前掌握的资料来看,在我国,率先提出地区形象建设理论研究的是罗治英教授主持编写的《广东省花都市形象设计课题研究报告》与《地区形象理论研究及其运用》一书。作者对地区形象建设理论的研究对象、研究内容和地区形象建设理论研究的意义、基本特征等作了较全面的阐述。同时,结合花都市的实际情况,对地区形象总体评价的科学标准进行了分析。并明确指出,地区形象建设的重要任务之一,就是唤起人们主体精神的新觉醒,释放人们的社会潜能,从而推动地区的持续发展与进 According to the information available at present, in our country, the first study on the theory of regional image building is the book entitled “Research Report on Image Design of Huadu City of Guangdong Province” and “The Study and Application of Regional Image Theory” presided over by Professor Luo Zhiying. The author makes a more comprehensive exposition of the research object, research content, significance and basic characteristics of the regional image building theory. At the same time, combined with the actual situation in Huadu, the overall evaluation of the regional image of the scientific standards were analyzed. And clearly pointed out that one of the important tasks of regional image building is to arouse the new awakening of people’s main spirit and release people’s social potential so as to promote the sustainable development and progress of the region
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