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黎巴嫩是一个文明古国,又是一个多灾多难的国家,外族的侵略、频繁的战乱充塞着黎巴嫩几千年的历史。远古时代黎巴嫩曾是古腓尼基的一部分,公元前二千纪后,相继为埃及、亚述、巴比伦、波斯和罗马所占领。公元七世纪中叶到十六世纪初,成为阿拉伯帝国的一部分,随后被土耳其占领,成为奥斯曼帝国的一部分。十九世纪初叶,随着民族意识的觉醒和西方新思想的传入,黎巴嫩成为阿拉伯世界文化复兴的前沿阵地之一。它最早摆脱中世纪的死寂和愚昧,迎来新时代的曙光。本期“黎巴嫩文学专辑”着重介绍蜚声阿拉伯文坛、影响及于东西方的黎巴嫩“侨民文学”代表作家和诗人纪伯伦,以及伊利亚·艾布·马迪。同时,发表了现代著名作家陶菲格·阿瓦德的短篇小说《勋章》,这篇小说用讽刺的笔调,抨击了黎巴嫩社会存在的黑暗现象,具有现实意义。纪伯伦不仅是诗人和作家,还是一位风格独特的天才画家。他曾受业于法国艺术大师罗丹,颇受罗丹器重。他常为自己的诗文集作插图,以进一步阐发对于人生、社会的思考。本期发表的纪伯伦的绘画便是从其遗作中挑选出来的。承蒙黎巴嫩大使夫人玛丽娅·萨玛哈撰文介绍纪伯伦的绘画艺术,对于读者了解纪伯伦绘画的深邃意境和哲理思索,是很有帮助的。 Lebanon is an ancient civilized country, but also a country in troubled times. Invasion of aliens and frequent wars have filled the history of Lebanon for thousands of years. Ancient times Lebanon was part of the ancient Phenicia, after the second millennium BC, one after another for Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Rome occupied. From the middle of the seventh century to the beginning of the sixteenth century, it became part of the Arab Empire and was later occupied by Turkey as part of the Ottoman Empire. In the early nineteenth century, with the awakening of national consciousness and the introduction of new Western ideas, Lebanon became one of the forefront positions in the cultural renaissance of the Arab world. It is the first to get rid of the silence and ignorance of the Middle Ages, ushered in the dawn of a new era. This issue of “Lebanese Literary Album” focuses on the introduction of the famous writer and poet Kimberl, the renowned literary, influential and literary Lebanese “aliens” in East and West, and Ilya Abu Madi. At the same time, he published a short story “Medal” by the famous modern writer Taoifeg Awad. This novel laughed at the darkness existing in Lebanese society in a satirical manner, which is of practical significance. Gibernlund is not only a poet and writer, but also a unique style of genius painter. He had a job in the French art master Rodin, quite popular with Rodin. He often illustrated his own collection of poems to further elucidate the thinking of life and society. The current issue of Gibran’s paintings is selected from the excerpts. It is helpful for readers to understand the profound artistic conception and philosophical thinking of Gibbian’s paintings when he introduced the art of Gibernavlu as an introduction to Maria Lema’s wife, Maria Samaha.
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夏季天气炎热,由于细菌等微生物容易滋生,是食物中毒的高发季节,因此,大家要格外注意以下几个方面的厨房卫生,趁早给厨房来个健康检查,确保厨房卫生安全。 Summer hot weath
宝宝需要吃素食的理由    事实上,果蔬对宝宝的作用可大啦,它们可以为宝宝提供丰富的维生素、矿物质及纤维素,是维护孩子正常发育所不可或缺的食物。蔬果吃得不够,宝宝可能产生诸如便秘、肠道环境改变,热量摄取过多,免疫力下降等健康问题。这可都是不能忽视的问题哦。    宝宝不爱吃素食的理由    宝宝不爱吃某些蔬菜水果和豆制品,也是事出有因的。比如部分的青菜、水果有特殊的颜色,如红苋菜,青椒、樱桃等,可
1.Caution1: Wet Paint! 小心!油漆未干!  A: What’s written on the sign?  B: Caution: Wet Paint!    2.Post No Bills! 禁止招贴!  A: It’s forbidden2 to post on this building. Didn’t you see the sign “Post No Bills”?
原料:瘦肉400克,冬菇3只,荸荠(马蹄)4个,生菜叶3片,鸡蛋1只,盐20克,糖10克,生抽15克,淀粉30克,麻油、胡椒粉少许。 Raw materials: 400 grams of lean meat, 3 mushrooms, 4
打底、眼线选择与肤色接近的粉底由内向外均匀地涂抹,统一肤色,并在T字部位及下眼睑三角区内打上高光。扑上蜜粉,进行定妆。用黑色的眼线笔画上眼线。 Base, liner selectio