采取有力措施 抓好体育活动

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塘沽一中是今年第五届全运会表彰的群众体育先进集体。他们的主要特点是群体活动开展得好。近几年来,学校领导认真贯彻党的教育方针,注意纠正轻视体育的思想和做法,使师生参加体育活动的积极性日益提高,基本保证了学生每天有一小时体育活动,并取得了显著成绩。全校学生达标率逐年上升:1980年49%,1981年52%,1982年61%,今年达到86%;1980年以来,每次区级广播操比赛,均获第一名,1982年全市重点中学广播操比赛名列前茅,在今年区中小学生运动会上获得了广播操表演奖;1980年以来,连续获得塘沽区中小学生运动会团体总分第一名。在群体活动普遍、深入开展的基础上,这个学校的田径、篮球、排球、足球、垒球等运动队的训练水平,也在不断提高。群体活动制度化、课表化,运动队坚持四季经常训练,已成为学校开展体育工作的优良传统。几年来,这个学校为津、京体育单 Tanggu No. 1 Middle School is the advanced mass sports collective recognized by the 5th National Games this year. Their main feature is that group activities are well-developed. In recent years, the school leaders have conscientiously implemented the party’s education policy, paid attention to correcting the thoughts and practices of neglecting sports, and increased the enthusiasm of teachers and students to participate in sports activities. This has basically ensured that students have one hour of physical activity every day and achieved remarkable results. The rate of attainment of students across the school has been rising year by year: 49% in 1980, 52% in 1981, 61% in 1982, and 86% this year; since 1980, each district-level radio competition has been ranked first, and in 1982 the city’s key middle schools The radio gymnastics competition was ranked first, and it won the radio performance prize at the district primary and secondary school sports games this year; since 1980, it has consistently won the first place in the Tanggu District Primary and Secondary School Sports Games group. On the basis of widespread and in-depth development of group activities, the training level of the athletic teams of this school, such as track and field, basketball, volleyball, football, and softball, is also constantly improving. Institutionalization of the group activities, curriculum, sports teams to maintain regular training throughout the four seasons, has become the school to carry out the fine traditions of sports. Over the past few years, this school has been a Tianjin and Beijing sports list.
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夏日的傍晚,我骑上自行车,直奔学校。 [首句即入题,交代了时间、人物、地点、事件的开始。] 车过湖滨公园,只见西湖沐浴在夕阳的余辉里,分外娇美。湖边的林荫道上,儿童车上
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