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众所周知,人事档案工作是一项相当繁琐和枯燥的工作。目前.大量机械性的重复劳动仍需靠人事档案工作者手工来完成,不仅费时费力,而且时有差错发生。以上海某医科大学人事档案室为例,该院现有在职员工1600余人,仅一年所归工资类表格就在一万份以上,涉及到归档登记,查号分类,目录添加等诸多工作步骤,劳动强度之大是有目共睹的,人事档案工作者终年忙于这些简单劳动.难以提高业务水平和加大利用开发深度。一咪增加人手不是根本的解决办法,也与当前人事制度改革和减员增效的指导思想相违背。唯一的解决办法只有通过引进先进技术,来提高工作效率,减轻劳动强度,腾出时间为人事工作提供及时、有效的服务。 As we all know, personnel files work is a very tedious and boring work. At present, a large amount of mechanical repetitive work still needs to be done manually by personnel archivists, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and sometimes errors occur. Taking a personnel archives room of a certain medical university in Shanghai as an example, there are more than 1,600 on-the-job staff members in the hospital, and more than 10,000 forms of salary certificates go to the hospital in one year, involving many work steps such as filing registration, check number classification and catalog addition The great labor intensity is obvious to all, and personnel archivists are busy with these simple labors all year long, making it hard to raise their business level and increase their exploitation depth. To increase manpower is not a fundamental solution but also runs counter to the guiding principle of the present personnel system reform and downsizing and efficiency enhancement. The only solution is only through the introduction of advanced technologies to improve work efficiency, reduce labor intensity, and free up time for personnel work to provide timely and effective services.
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夏日的傍晚,我骑上自行车,直奔学校。 [首句即入题,交代了时间、人物、地点、事件的开始。] 车过湖滨公园,只见西湖沐浴在夕阳的余辉里,分外娇美。湖边的林荫道上,儿童车上
由于笔者多年从事档案编研工作 ,阅读过不少有关档案编研的专著 ,而使展览资料转化为档案编研成果的理论 ,还未曾见诸报章杂志。这启发了我对展览成为档案编研成果的理论进行
原文海迪同志:我们阅读党报,看到刊登你的病情好转,还需休养的消息,我们一起看的几个同学,几乎是异口同声地发出祝愿的心声:“快好吧,早日健康。” Comrade Heidi: When we
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。直面文革文学@伯牛 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Facing the Cu